Book 44 of 2023 is A TALENT FOR WAR by JACK MCDEVITT
My review here:
More at #controllingthetransmissions link in bio #bookstagram
#atalentforwar #jackmcdevitt #mystery #sciencefiction #spaceopera #alienencounters #fiction #@bookstgram #booksreadin2023 @bookstodon
#controllingthetransmissions #bookstagram #atalentforwar #jackmcdevitt #mystery #sciencefiction #spaceopera #alienencounters #fiction #booksreadin2023
Hab mir #EnginesOfGod von #JackMcDevitt als #E-Book bdi buch7 geholt.
Hab es als Taschenbuch unter dem Titel #GottesMaschinen seit Äonen gelesen im Regal. Nach #DieEisigenSäulenDesPluto geht es damit weiter. #ScienceFiction
#enginesofgod #jackmcdevitt #e #gottesmaschinen #dieeisigensaulendespluto #sciencefiction
Good scifi
#NnediOkorafor #BeckyChambers #ZenCho #SAChakraborty #AlistairReynolds #EricBrown #SaadZHossain #RobertHoldstock #AkanGarner #ArkadyMartine #AnnKeckie #RoseBLemberg #JackMcDevitt and many more with lots of old ones
#nnediokorafor #beckychambers #zencho #sachakraborty #AlistairReynolds #EricBrown #SaadZHossain #robertholdstock #AkanGarner #arkadymartine #AnnKeckie #RoseBLemberg #jackmcdevitt
I've officially moved over here from (and everybody go follow @ashfurrow because he's been a super admin and generally great guy), so it's #introductions time again
I'm mostly a software engineer and #videogamer, with tangents to #cycling/#running, failing to learn #Norwegian, and otherwise wasting a perfectly good B.Mus in #violin performance. I was a #moonkin (SERVER FIRST ALGALON 10), and now I'm a magical space zombie (#destiny2) and sometimes a Viking zombie (#valheim). @pamela is awesome.
#gaming #gameing
#linux #vim #bash #git
#c #golang #php #mobx #reactjs
#weHappyFew #farLoneSails #outward #vampireSurvivors #vRising
#immigrant #expat #norway #norsk
#dogs #coffee #vo2max #gravelCycling #uciwwt #trainerRoad
#starwars (#DarkForces was one of my first video games, I read the 90s-era EU novels obsessively, Rey is not a marysue, #theLastJedi is flawed but I loved it and I will not fight you because I'm just so tired now)
#scifi #asimov #JackMcDevitt #NKJemisin #AnneLeckie #scalzi
#theWestWing #tww #hamilton #btvs
#feminism #transWomenAreWomen #christian
#introductions #videogamer #cycling #norwegian #violin #moonkin #destiny2 #valheim #gaming #gameing #linux #vim #bash #git #c #golang #php #mobx #reactjs #wehappyfew #farlonesails #outward #VampireSurvivors #VRising #immigrant #expat #norway #norsk #dogs #coffee #vo2max #gravelcycling #uciwwt #trainerroad #starwars #darkforces #thelastjedi #scifi #asimov #jackmcdevitt #nkjemisin #anneleckie #scalzi #thewestwing #tww #hamilton #btvs #feminism #transwomenarewomen #christian
#sciencepost #espace "La galaxie est probablement pleine de civilisations mortes avance une étude" #civilisations #archéologie #JackMcDevitt #MachinesDeDieu #DeepSix #Littérature #exploration #Ciel ...
#sciencepost #espace #civilisations #archéologie #jackmcdevitt #MachinesDeDieu #DeepSix #littérature #exploration #ciel
#sciencepost #espace "La galaxie est probablement pleine de civilisations mortes avance une étude" #civilisations #archéologie #JackMcDevitt #MachinesDeDieu #DeepSix #Littérature #exploration #Ciel ...
#ciel #exploration #littérature #DeepSix #MachinesDeDieu #jackmcdevitt #archéologie #civilisations #espace #sciencepost