I recently discovered "Jack Move" on the #Switch, and I'm enjoying this short (8 hours) #cyberpunk turn-based #JRPG with its interesting twist of levelling up hardware and software rather than swords and magic.
But after the screen scrolls, there is a slight shudder, giving me a headache after half an hour. The shake only happens on the monitor output, so it may be scrolling at a lower resolution and doing a final re-render.
Slightly annoying but still a fun little game.
#switch #cyberpunk #jrpg #jackmove
What Rydell needed was something they weren't expecting…whoever they were. He had an instructor in Knoxville who'd liked to talk about lateral thinking…What it took, sometimes, was just your basic #JackMove, something nobody, maybe even you, was expecting.
#jackmove #alltomorrowsparties
Eine neue Folge DrPongsPraxis, diesen Sonntag 12.02. ab 12:00 Uhr auf
#Radiox 📻 FM 91,8 oder http://www.radiox.de/livestream 🤙
Unsere Themen:
Klassiker des Monats 🤫
#radiox #fireemblemengage #deadspaceremake #taitoegretiimini #jackmove
Ok, den Kampf beenden wir mit unserem allerersten Move und das ist ein #JackMove🤙
Ab ins Wurmloch, ihr Bauarbeiter🤗
Ok jumpin grandpa...
First I do a #JackMove, then your suit looser gets wiped out by a counter hack and finally the shortcut hack finishes you off, as I know your weakness🤜
#JackMove Won my battle by counter hack🤜
That additional hw slot and the module was a pretty good invest🤙
Good bye agent smith😉
#JackMove is a pretty cool old school #RPG with a nice #Cyberpunk #Hacker story🤙
#jackmove #rpg #cyberpunk #hacker
Recently released Indie #JRPG #ChainedEchoes is well worth a look. Here is a review from #NoisyPixel
As much as I enjoy the classics and their remasters, these new often streamlined and quality of life inspired titles have me experiencing the familiar but within a modern indie context. I absolutely adore them.
Other stand outs and notables over the years are:
#videogame #game #shadowsofadam #jackmove #RiseOfTheThirdPower #AraFell #cosmicstarheroine #noisypixel #chainedechoes #jrpg
#JackMove looks like such a good game with gorgeous #pixelart.
I want to do a #LetsPlayIndie for @GameDevLondon@twitter.com 😍
#letsplayindie #pixelart #jackmove
Fini #JackMove, un RPG cyberpunk au tour par tour, que j'attendais depuis un loooong moment. Pixel art et animations de toute beauté (surtout les attaques spéciales), bande-son chiptune synthwave electro jazzy coolissime.
Gameplay simple, mais efficace, avec un système de jauge qui une fois remplie permet de déclencher un Jack Move dont l'efficacité dépend d'un QTE à réussir en rythme.
Jolie histoire, avec son lot de surprises. Point noir, seulement 7 h de jeu. Un de mes indés de l'année.
#JackMove the #cyberpunk #jrpg has finally landed on all #game platforms, consoles & pc, works fine with #linux under #proton
'hack' is a physical damage attack and 'execute' is an actual hack. Then after you've broken their firewall down, drop the self titled 'jack move'!
Pixel retro-chic action & banter with kid against corpo storyline & a banging electro #soundtrack.
#soundtrack #proton #linux #game #jrpg #cyberpunk #jackmove