111 years ago:
Katchem Kate
Mabel seems to be working ironing dresses in a dress shop when something catches her attention in a newspaper. Apparently, it is an ad on becoming a detective. Mabel goes rushing off to a Detective school run by Fred Ward.
#KatchemKate #MackSennett #JackPickford #Movies
#katchemkate #macksennett #jackpickford #movies
102 years ago:
Through The Back Door (US)
A young Belgian girl, raised by her longtime nanny, flees Europe at the advent of World War I and travels to America to find her real mother.
#ThroughTheBackDoor #JackPickford #MaryPickford #UnitedArtists #PreCode #Film
#throughthebackdoor #jackpickford #marypickford #unitedartists #precode #film