Jack Ryan – Staffel 4 Episode 2
Es wird klar das Chaves ebenfalls beim CIA ist aber nicht so wirklich wie hier die Befehlskette ist. Der ehemalige Director Miller scheint einige Operationen genehmigt zu haben die mehr als fragwürdig sind aber Chaves bekam seine Aufträge wieder von jemand anderem. Zudem spielt noch eine Triade aus Myanmar eine Rolle (was nach dem Anfang der ersten F
#TVSerien #JackRyan #MichaelPea
#michaelpea #jackryan #tvserien
Another Sunday morning dad taxi day. Having a not remotely healthy beverage and cracking on with the latest read. Really enjoying this one #tomclancy #jackryan
Jack Ryan – Staffel 4 Episode 1
Nach der letzten Staffel hat sich einiges beim CIA getan. Wright ist jetzt Chefin und Jack ihr zweiter Mann, bzw. noch nicht so wirklich, da eine Senatsanhörung mit der Bestätigung noch aus steht. Die beiden sollen in der CIA aufräumen und alle Missionen die nicht ganz "sauber" sind beenden. Doch die Tatsache das Jack in der Vergangenheit auch eher dazu tendie
#TVSerien #JackRyan
Been trying here and there to watch the third series of #JackRyan on #AmazonPrime. It feels terribly padded: long conversations that don't reveal anything new, entire scenes and set pieces that backtrack rather than advance the plot. The first two series didn't have this problem. I might stop here in the middle of the third episode and see if the fourth series is any better.
Habe bei #Amazon #PrimeVideo zuletzt #TheRookie und #JackRyan mir angeschaut, habe jetzt beides durch.
Habt ihr Empfehlungen aus dem Bereich Thriller / Action?
#amazon #primevideo #therookie #jackryan
#Suits #TheLincolnLawyer #TheWitcher and #JackRyan are This Weeks Nielsen Top 20 Streaming Chart *Updated 4th August 2023*
#suits #thelincolnlawyer #thewitcher #jackryan #tv #television
Klaar met huishoudelijke klusjes en precook.
Nu bankhangen met bak thee en met nieuwe serie beginnen #JackRyan
Finished #JackRyan yesterday. Y’know, I enjoyed s1 of this show when it was about a CIA analyst who suddenly found himself dangerously in the field. I think I liked s2 too but truthfully I don’t really remember it. But s3 and now this truncated final season, where he has transformed into a black ops agent who thinks the only solution to anything is machine gunning his way through crowded spaces… it’s just dumb, violent bloodlust.
The final speech at the commettee of #JackRyan is a movie speech we will remember
I'm still re-reading the #TomClancy #JackRyan novels and the thing that keeps hitting me is how bad Clancy was at anything non-military.
There's a distinct lack of a good copy editor by the time of Debt Of Honor, too. Several times things, obviously dictated by the author, are replaced with nonsense homophones and one has to work out what the intended text was.
The final season of #JackRyan was so good 🤩
Binged the entire season in just a few days
Is it just us or did #JackRyan on #PrimeVideo go from a great show to one of the worst writing ever?
#jackryan #primevideo #jackryan4 #jackryanseason4 #jackryanonprime
TV TONIGHT (July 14)
#Foundation #TheSummerITurnedPretty #JackRyan #TooHotToHandle #BirdBoxBarcelona #RunTheWorld #ImagineDragons #FiveStarChef #ToughAsNails #SmackDown #FamilyLaw #ReadyToLove #AncientAliens #HoffmanFamilyGold #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #hoffmanfamilygold #ancientaliens #readytolove #familylaw #smackdown #toughasnails #fivestarchef #imaginedragons #RunTheWorld #birdboxbarcelona #toohottohandle #jackryan #thesummeriturnedpretty #foundation