DeSantis flustered when pressed on guns, kicks out Black man who mentioned Jacksonville shooting - The man said that Florida's Republican governor had "enacted policies that hurt people like myself"
#DeSantis #JacksonvilleShooting #FloridaGovernor #GunPolicies #PressConference #RacialInjustice #Politics #News
#desantis #jacksonvilleshooting #floridagovernor #gunpolicies #pressconference #racialinjustice #politics #news
DeSantis Gets Into Heated Debate With Black Man About Jacksonville Shooting
#DeSantis #JacksonvilleShooting #HeatedDebate #BlackMan #PressConference #Newsweek #Politics #News
#desantis #jacksonvilleshooting #heateddebate #blackman #pressconference #newsweek #politics #news
#DeSantis is not wanted here.
#Florida #GunViolence #gunculture #guncontrol #jacksonvilleshooting
#desantis #Florida #GunViolence #gunculture #guncontrol #jacksonvilleshooting
'#Whitesupremacy is not a #mentalhealth issue': Embattled #Tennessee lawmaker Justin Jones, beset by #supremacist colleagues, scolds #GOP after #JacksonvilleShooting
#whitesupremacy #mentalhealth #tennessee #supremacist #gop #jacksonvilleshooting
If you can find a better copy, please post.
#MehdiHasanShow 27 August 2023
#MassShooting #FarRight #FarRightViolence #Florida #FL
Hasan speaks not only about what happened this weekend, but the commentary and interviews about #hateviolence, #WhitesupremacistViolence in the U.S. is a must-watch!
#whitesupremacistviolence #MehdiHasanShow #jacksonvilleshooting #massshooting #farright #farrightviolence #florida #fl #hateviolence
#Florida Democrat Perfectly Explains Why #DeSantis is Responsible for #JacksonvilleShooting
#thehumanistreporter #florida #desantis #jacksonvilleshooting
#Florida Lawmaker: Ron #DeSantis Has 'Blood On His Hands' After #JacksonvilleShooting | HuffPost
#florida #desantis #jacksonvilleshooting #jacksonville #boycottflorida
#JacksonvilleShooting, #FL #Florida: Why America’s Gun Problem “Makes Its #Racism More Lethal”
#GaryYounge spoke with #DemocracyNow
#FarRight #extremedroite #whitesupremacist #whitenationalism
#jacksonvilleshooting #fl #florida #racism #garyyounge #democracynow #farright #extremedroite #whitesupremacist #whitenationalism
Man that side eye #JacksonvilleShooting
‘#WhiteSupremacy Has No Place In #America’: #Biden Offers Prayers For Victims In #RaciallyMotivated #JacksonvilleShooting
#whitesupremacy #america #biden #raciallymotivated #jacksonvilleshooting
We stand in grief and sorrow today
as we mourn the loss of three
Struck down by a bullet, fueled by hate
in a shocking tragedy.
Though we cannot bring them back to life
we must now vindicate
We will not be overcome by fear
but rise up and demonstrate.
We will answer hatred with love
and stand up to defend
Those that have gone, whose lives were taken
will live on in our hearts 'til the end.
#jacksonvilleshooting #gunviolence #blacklivesmatter #ode #poetry
#jacksonvilleshooting #gunviolence #blacklivesmatter #ode #poetry
(28 Aug) - Crowd Boos Ron DeSantis at Jacksonville Shooting Prayer Vigil #Newsweek #JacksonvilleShooting #RonDeSantis #PrayerVigil #Boos #Crowd #Politics #News
#news #politics #crowd #boos #prayervigil #rondesantis #jacksonvilleshooting #newsweek
#Desantis #RonDesantis #RonDeNazi #Florida
Targeting people due to their sexuality is acceptable in Florida.
#desantis #rondesantis #rondenazi #florida #jacksonvilleshooting
(28 Aug) - Gov. DeSantis booed at Jacksonville prayer vigil for victims of mass shooting #GovDesantis #JacksonvilleShooting #PrayerVigil #MassShooting #BooedAtVigil #FloridaGovernor #Politics #News
#news #politics #floridagovernor #booedatvigil #massshooting #prayervigil #jacksonvilleshooting #govdesantis
(28 Aug) - Biden denounces Jacksonville shooting: ‘White supremacy has no place in America’ #Biden #JacksonvilleShooting #WhiteSupremacy #America #Politics #News
#news #politics #america #whitesupremacy #jacksonvilleshooting #biden
Asked this evening leaving church if he’ll speak to #Florida Gov. DeSantis about the #JacksonvilleShooting and the emerging storm, President Biden respond to pool reporters: “I will speak to the people of Jacksonville.”
#florida #jacksonvilleshooting
(27 Aug) - Justin Jones Slams ’Asinine Governor’ DeSantis Following Deadly Jacksonville Shooting #JustinJones #JacksonvilleShooting #GovernorDesantis #TennesseeDemocrat #DeadlyShooting #AsinineGovernor #Politics #News
#news #politics #asininegovernor #deadlyshooting #tennesseedemocrat #governordesantis #jacksonvilleshooting #justinjones
#FullPressConference #JacksonvilleShooting
#DollarGeneralShooting #FL #Florida
RIP to the victims:
AngelaMichelleCarr, 52 years old
AnoltJosephLaguerreJr, 29 years old
JerroldDeShaunGallion, 19 years old
Murderer was:
#RyanChristopherPalmeter who as far as anyone knows was not connected to any known #hategroup (but the current far right political climate rum amok does contribute to his radicalisation in my opinion).
#FarRight #rightwing #extremedroite
WARNING: The video Sheriff Waters shows may be triggering even though out of respect for the victims, their loved ones and the public, there is nothing graphic, and is only a few seconds.
#fullpressconference #jacksonvilleshooting #dollargeneralshooting #fl #florida #blacklivesmatter #ryanchristopherpalmeter #hategroup #farright #rightwing #extremedroite
Is your #press pass really worth NOT asking #DeSantis about his culpability in the #JacksonvilleShooting ?
"Governor DeSantis, you've made the "war on woke" central to your presidential campaign. How do you sleep at night knowing the blood of these three people is on your hands?"
Sure, you'll get banned from his press conferences. But every country in the world will know your name and the name of your news agency.
I'm not trying to be funny
#press #desantis #jacksonvilleshooting