Patron Reward Update: Blood Ties Paperback
Packaging up paperback copies of Blood Ties for my top tier supporters. These will be posted this week.
#patreonReward #BloodTies #paperback #JackTheRipper #JamesFindlayJournals #supportAnIndieAuthor
#patreonreward #bloodties #paperback #jacktheripper #jamesfindlayjournals #supportanindieauthor
Blood Ties – eBook Pre-order Direct from Author
Blood Ties – eBook Pre-order Direct from Author
You can now order your eBook copy of Blood Ties direct from author (in $AU), to download from 1st September (over two weeks before public release)…
Also available to pre-order from online stores in ($US) (delivery from 17th September)
Paperback pre-order Direct from Author coming soon.
#eBook #JamesFindlay #JackTheRipper #DoctorJack #newBook #buyBook #DirectFromAuthor #links #preorder
#ebook #jamesfindlay #jacktheripper #doctorjack #newbook #buybook #directfromauthor #links #preorder
It's Cover Reveal Day!
Blood Ties. A dark mystery on the high seas. eBook and paperback out 17th Sept 2023.
And here it is...
#coverReveal #ComingSoon #NewBook #novelette #JamesFindlayJournals #DoctorJack #JackTheRipper #eBook #Paperback
#coverreveal #comingsoon #newbook #novelette #jamesfindlayjournals #doctorjack #jacktheripper #ebook #paperback In één dag uitgelezen omdat iemand dit boek gereserveerd heeft bij de bieb waarvan ik het leende. Heel vreemd, zo dichtbij je komt in die andere tijd. Waargebeurd, wat de foto’s achterin des te indringender maakt. Fascinerend en walgelijk tegelijkertijd. Was hij Jack the Ripper? Was hij narcist? Hoe charmant was hij en mag je zo’n monster toch zielig vinden? Verfilmingswaardig in elk geval. @boeken #JackTheRipper
#TalkIsJericho Podcast with #ChrisJericho -- Whitechapel 1888 - The Mystery & Hauntings of #JackTheRipper:
#TheWitchingHour Podcast with #PattiNegri - Talking To Spirits with #SterlingMoon:
(4 of 4)
#sterlingmoon #pattinegri #theWitchingHour #jacktheripper #chrisjericho #talkisjericho
64 years ago:
Jack the Ripper (UK)
A serial killer is murdering women in the Whitechapel district of London. An American policeman is brought in to help Scotland Yard solve the case.
#JacktheRipper #EddieByrne #EwenSolon #JohnLeMesurier #Paramount #Horror #ClassicMovies
#jacktheripper #eddiebyrne #ewensolon #johnlemesurier #paramount #horror #classicmovies
Check out my latest article on the infamous serial killer "Jack the Ripper" and his gruesome murders in Whitechapel. Discover the history and mystery surrounding this notorious figure in criminal history.
#JackTheRipper #TrueCrime #WhitechapelMurders #SerialKiller #CriminalHistory #medium #mediumwriter
#jacktheripper #truecrime #whitechapelmurders #serialkiller #criminalhistory #medium #mediumwriter
Comicbattle: 2. Halbfinale
Stimmt mit ab bei Insta oder Tiktok 🙂
#comicbattle #horror #grusel #duell #comicheft #comickritik #graphicnovel #batman #dc #arkhamasylum #aserioushouseonseriousearth #joker #verbrechen #crime #gothamcity #düster #halbfinale #abstimmung #fromhell #alanmoore #meisterwerk #london #jacktheripper #truecrime #killer #philosophie #finale
#comicbattle #horror #grusel #duell #comicheft #comickritik #graphicnovel #batman #dc #ArkhamAsylum #aserioushouseonseriousearth #joker #verbrechen #crime #GothamCity #duster #halbfinale #abstimmung #fromhell #alanmoore #Meisterwerk #london #jacktheripper #truecrime #killer #philosophie #finale
Zeit für ein (Comic)Duell!
Der nächste Comicbattle startet morgen!
Schaut gerne bei Tiktok oder Insta vorbei und stimmt mit ab 🙂
#comicbattle #heresnegan #twd #thewalkingdead #negan #batman #darkvictory #thelonghalloween #arkhamasylum #aserioushouseonseriousearth #wendigowood #thescumbag #fromhell #alanmoore #jacktheripper #infinitehorizon #thesafehouse #horror #sciencefiction #grusel #duell #auslosung #comicheft #comickritik #graphicnovel #kult #afterlightcomics
#comicbattle #heresnegan #twd #thewalkingdead #negan #batman #darkvictory #thelonghalloween #ArkhamAsylum #aserioushouseonseriousearth #wendigowood #thescumbag #fromhell #alanmoore #jacktheripper #infinitehorizon #thesafehouse #horror #sciencefiction #grusel #duell #auslosung #comicheft #comickritik #graphicnovel #kult #afterlightcomics
🔍 Jack the Ripper's identity remains unknown, & the lost colony of Roanoke still eludes us. These historical mysteries captivate our curiosity & imagination. #history #mystery #JackTheRipper #Roanoke #CuriousToot #whodunit
#history #mystery #jacktheripper #roanoke #curioustoot #Whodunit
Folgt man #JacktheRipper, wird das 20. Jahrhundert die Epoche des Rauschens und des Polizeiarchivs gewesen sein, obwohl er selbst sich eher eine Welt blutrot geschriebener Freimaurersymbolen vorgestellt hatte
#jacktheripper #fromhell #jwnachschlag
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: No One Loves International Women's Day More Than Brands #Jezebel #internationalwomen27sday #marjorietaylorgreene #scarlettjohansson #marchobservances #mcdonalde28099s #jacktheripper #marvelstudios #kevinmccarthy #adrianacarrig #vincemcmahon #burgerking #kamalakhan #countries #holidays #culture #hershey #marvel #shuri #wwe #iwd
#jezebel #internationalwomen27sday #marjorietaylorgreene #scarlettjohansson #marchobservances #mcdonalde28099s #jacktheripper #marvelstudios #kevinmccarthy #adrianacarrig #vincemcmahon #burgerking #kamalakhan #countries #holidays #Culture #hershey #Marvel #shuri #wwe #iwd
Ein Mörder macht 1888 in London jagd auf Prostituierte und verstümmelt brutal ihre Leichen. Bis heute gilt der Fall von Jack the Ripper als ungeklärt, zahlreiche Mythen und Legenden umranken die Geschehnisse und in unzähligen Romanen, Filmen, Theaterstücken und Comics wurde der Stoff verarbeitet.
In FROM HELL arbeitet Alan Moore die Taten des Mörders auf und hat damit sein einzigartiges Magnus Opum vorgelegt.
#alanmoore #comickritik #fromhell #jacktheripper #crime #truecrime #london #mörder
#alanmoore #comickritik #fromhell #jacktheripper #crime #truecrime #london #morder
Guckt mal was beim #mantikoreverlag im Herbst raus kommt 🐼
🕯️🔎🗡️🎩... #1888 #JackTheRipper
#mantikoreverlag #jacktheripper #Spielbuch #soloRPG #solopnp #solospielbuch #horror
Yay, Screaming Lord Sutch!
#music #ScreamingLordSutch #JackTheRipper #RavingMonsterLooneyParty
#music #screaminglordsutch #jacktheripper #ravingmonsterlooneyparty
Is it possible to run DNA tests on the most uncaring, hateful, destructive politicians to see how many are direct descendants of #JackTheRipper because I just get a feeling they're just getting better at hiding in plain sight.
1st February, 2023 - Doctor Jack & Other Tales - updated eBook re-release.
Begins the roll out of the new release of updated The Adventures of Viola Stewart: compiled to match the paperbacks, and with the new covers!
Available direct from author - early delivery via Bookfunnel :
Can be pre-ordered via online stores/official release 1st Feb :
[#imageDescription: Doctor Jack & Other Tales paperback stands behind a black teacup with gold edging and matching saucer. Text: 1 Feb, 2023 new eBook re-release Doctor Jack & Other Tales.]
#DoctorJack #ViolaStewartMysteries #VictorianMystery #AdelaideAuthors #gaslampMystery #JackTheRipper #indieAuthor #aussieAuthor #bookstagram #booksToBuy #ebookRelease #useCapitalsInHashtagsForAccessibility #useImageDescriptionForAccessibility #useAltText #authorLife #writersLife #rerelease
#imagedescription #doctorjack #violastewartmysteries #victorianmystery #adelaideauthors #gaslampmystery #jacktheripper #indieauthor #aussieauthor #bookstagram #bookstobuy #ebookrelease #usecapitalsinhashtagsforaccessibility #useimagedescriptionforaccessibility #usealttext #authorlife #writerslife #rerelease
I've been #lurking for a few days trying to figure this whole #Mastodon thing, because before this week it was a metal band in my world. Since im on a book server lets start with #whatimreading #TimeAfterTime , #JackTheRipper, #HGWells and his #TimeMachine... what could possibly wrong? ABC canceled the TV series so I guess I have to read the book for my ending. :0)
#lurking #mastodon #whatimreading #timeaftertime #jacktheripper #hgwells #timemachine
From Goodreads:
List: Best Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack The Ripper Fiction
Description: This list is for the best fiction in which #SherlockHolmes investigates, is involved with, or somehow considers the case of #JackTheRipper. All books in which both of these characters appear are welcome!
#Gothic #Mystery #Sherlock #TrueCrime #Whitechapel #Books
#sherlockholmes #jacktheripper #gothic #mystery #sherlock #truecrime #whitechapel #books
I often see in #paranormal #historical #fiction people making #JackTheRipper & #Rasputin into #vampires but why not just keep Jack a human showing sometimes humans are the real monsters? Or make him a Red Cap instead. And since Rasputin had a way with the ladies but smelled like a goat make him a #satyr or the Russian equivalent. Mix it up a bit, folks.
#paranormal #historical #fiction #jacktheripper #rasputin #vampires #satyr