I'm an ordinary average quiet guy/husband/dad. Spend my weekends poking around the yard and watching the flowers grow. We've got 10 chickens who provide endless entertainment and breakfast! I dabble in home automation, and we take the occasional #cruise to see some of the world and relax.
Fav authors: #RobinHobb #JackWhyte #Tolkein #DeanKoontz
Interests: #Gardening #privacy #HomeKit #Apple #Camping #Family #scifi #fantasy #AppleTVPlus #AMC #Chickens #dogs
#cruise #robinhobb #jackwhyte #tolkein #DeanKoontz #gardening #privacy #HomeKit #apple #camping #family #scifi #fantasy #appletvplus #amc #chickens #dogs
Some #book and #reading hashtags I'm interested in, broken up by subject - Pt. 1 - historical fiction / crime fiction:
#JulianStockwin #MorganLlywelyn #PeterTremayne #JackWhyte #NigelTranter #BernardCornwell #MaryStewart #HilaryMantel #JohnBiggins
#AdrianMcKinty #AlanParks #LiamMcIlvanney #IanRankin #Rebus #QuintinJardine #Skinner #ChristopherFowler #Bryant&May #CaimhMcDonnell #BunnyMcGarry #ColinDexter #Morse #DorothyLSayers #LordPeterWhimsey #JillPatonWalsh
#book #reading #julianstockwin #morganllywelyn #petertremayne #jackwhyte #nigeltranter #bernardcornwell #marystewart #hilarymantel #johnbiggins #adrianmckinty #alanparks #liammcilvanney #ianrankin #rebus #quintinjardine #skinner #christopherfowler #bryant #caimhmcdonnell #bunnymcgarry #colindexter #morse #dorothylsayers #lordpeterwhimsey #jillpatonwalsh