#20yrsago #Verisign will have to pay for sex.com mistake https://web.archive.org/web/20031203030438/http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,59788,00.html
#15yrsago On the absurdity of “maximizing shareholder value” https://crookedtimber.org/2008/07/25/what-obligation-maximise-what/
#15yrsago #JackWomack’s underappreciated masterpiece, “Random Acts of Senseless Violence” https://www.tor.com/2008/07/25/randomacts/
#15yrsago Great opening lines from sf https://gizmodo.com/great-opening-sentences-from-science-fiction-5027128
#10yrsago Limited-edition #Makie toys come to Selfridges https://web.archive.org/web/20130730061115/http://makie.me/forum/topic/474-makies-in-selfridges-from-5th-august/
#20yrsago #verisign #15yrsago #jackwomack #10yrsago #makie
Parable of The Sower - #OctaviaButler
Maybe The People Would Be The Times - #LucySante
Hiding In Plain Sight - #SarahKendzior
What’s Welsh For Zen - #JohnCale
Random Acts of Senseless Violence - #JackWomack
The World That Made New Orleans - #NedSublette
The Dispossessed - #ursulakleguin
Impossible to pick seven books that “explain who I am” but these are all books I have read or re-read in recent times which I think about often and changed the way I see the world.
#ursulakleguin #nedsublette #jackwomack #johncale #sarahkendzior #LucySante #octaviabutler #Books #bookstodon #7books