Early Modern Drama people - vote on what plays we’re going to produce next, here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYLs-HjqyMb7GBTP6K2zRtAB2Kx7O2RGMfGaT8nytpCSJ7Ug/viewform #EarlyModern #theatre #theater #EarlyModernEngland #history #drama #theatreHistory #theaterHistory #renaissance #Elizabethan #Jacobean #Literature #englishlit #BeyondShakespeare
#earlymodern #theatre #theater #earlymodernengland #history #drama #theatrehistory #TheaterHistory #renaissance #elizabethan #jacobean #literature #englishlit #BeyondShakespeare
Early Modern Drama people - vote on what plays we’re going to produce next, here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYLs-HjqyMb7GBTP6K2zRtAB2Kx7O2RGMfGaT8nytpCSJ7Ug/viewform #EarlyModern #theatre #theater #EarlyModernEngland #history #drama #theatreHistory #theaterHistory #renaissance #Elizabethan #Jacobean
#earlymodern #theatre #theater #earlymodernengland #history #drama #theatrehistory #TheaterHistory #renaissance #elizabethan #jacobean
With flaming hornes the Bull now brings the yeare,
Melt doe the horride mountaines’ helmes of snow…
—William Drummond of Hawthornden
in JACOBEAN PARNASSUS: Scottish Poetry from the Reign of James I
#Scottish #literature #17thcentury #EarlyModern #Jacobean #Spring #zodiac #poetry #Taurus
#taurus #poetry #zodiac #spring #jacobean #earlymodern #17thcentury #literature #scottish
Orlando #Gibbons: A #song for the first day of #Lent, 1623
Eleanor Cramer: #Soprano
Richard De Winter: #Bass
Robin Jeffrey: #Lute
Alison Kinder: #Bass Viol
Tamsin Lewis: #Alto
#earlymusic #OrlandoGibbons @earlymusic @earlymodern @histodon @histodons #earlymodern #histodon #histodons #AshWednesday #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #GeorgeWither #Lenten #FirstDayofLent #17thCentury #17thCenturyMusic #SeventeenthCentury #Jacobean #musicians #singers #SacredMusic
#gibbons #song #lent #soprano #bass #lute #alto #earlymusic #orlandogibbons #earlymodern #histodon #histodons #ashwednesday #otd #onthisday #onthisdayinhistory #georgewither #lenten #firstdayoflent #17thcentury #17thcenturymusic #seventeenthcentury #jacobean #musicians #singers #sacredmusic
‘This is flesh and blood, sir, / ’Tis not the figure cut in alabaster / Kneels at my husband’s tomb’ (1.1.457–9). Fav #Jacobean lines ever. John Webster – The Duchess of Malfi.
The Daniel Pursglove series from K.J. Maitland. 📚
England stands divided in the wake of the failed Gunpowder Plot and the politics of the Jacobean court are to the fore.
Rivers of Treason (Book 3) is out 13.4.2023
#books #Bookstodon #reading #booklove #historicalfiction #gunpowderplot #jacobean #henrycecil #kingjames #murdermystery #superstition #witchcraft #conspiracy
#conspiracy #witchcraft #superstition #murdermystery #KingJames #henrycecil #jacobean #gunpowderplot #historicalfiction #booklove #Reading #bookstodon #Books
6 January is the feast of the #Epiphany, so here is Vidimus Stellam, an early #17thCentury #motet for the day by William #Byrd, from #Gradualia, 1607.
Eleanor Cramer: #soprano
Christopher Goodwin: #lute
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Tamsin Lewis: tenor viol
Vidimus stellam in Orientem, et venimus cum muneribus adorare Dominum.
We have seen a star in the East, and have come with gifts to adore the Lord.
Image: Leonardo da Vinci - Adoration of the Magi, c1481 (Uffizi Galleries)
#earlymusic #earlymodern #earlymodernmusic #recusant #williambyrd #williambyrd400 #byrd400 #violadagamba #consortmusic #consortsong #consortofviols #epiphany #threekings #threekingsday #3kings #3kingsday #Tudor #tudors #tudormusic #motet #jacobean #jacobeanmusic #sacredmusic #sheetmusic #elizabethan #elizabethanmusic #seventeenthcentury #17thCenturymusic #chiaroscuro #musicprinting
#histodon @histodon @histodons #histodons @earlymusic #otd #OnThisDay
#epiphany #17thcentury #motet #Byrd #gradualia #soprano #lute #viol #earlymusic #earlymodern #earlymodernmusic #recusant #williambyrd #williambyrd400 #byrd400 #violadagamba #consortmusic #consortsong #consortofviols #threekings #threekingsday #3kings #3kingsday #Tudor #tudors #tudormusic #jacobean #jacobeanmusic #SacredMusic #sheetmusic #elizabethan #elizabethanmusic #seventeenthcentury #17thCenturyMusic #chiaroscuro #musicprinting #histodon #histodons #otd #OnThisDay
Another #earlymodern #Christmas song.
As on the Night: Orlando Gibbons' setting of George Wither's #hymn 46, 'For Christmas' from The Hymnes and Songs of the Church, 1623.
Eleanor Cramer: #soprano
Christopher Goodwin: #lute
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Tamsin Lewis: #renaissance #violin
@histodons @earlymusic
#OrlandoGibbons #GeorgeWither #jacobean #earlymusic #histodon #histodons #hymn #hymns #christmasmusic #christmascarols #consortsong #17thCentury #seventeenthcentury
#earlymodern #christmas #hymn #soprano #lute #viol #renaissance #violin #orlandogibbons #GeorgeWither #jacobean #earlymusic #histodon #histodons #hymns #christmasmusic #christmascarols #consortsong #17thcentury #seventeenthcentury
I know that all beneath the moon decayes,
And what by mortalles in this world is brought,
In time’s great periods shall returne to nought;
That fairest states have fatall nights and dayes…
—published in JACOBEAN PARNASSUS: Scottish Poetry from the Reign of James I (ASL, 2022)
#Scottish #literature #poetry #Jacobean #earlymodern
#earlymodern #jacobean #poetry #literature #scottish
William Drummond of Hawthornden (1585–1649) was born #OTD, 13 Dec. The leading Scottish poet of the age, his preference for his Lothian home over the Court did not diminish his engagement with wider culture; Ben Johnson once walked all the way from London to converse with him
📷 William Drummond of Hawthornden (1619) – oil on panel; attributed to Abraham van Blijenberch
#Scottish #literature #poetry #Jacobean #earlymodern
#earlymodern #jacobean #poetry #literature #scottish #otd
Rondo #Publishing is having a #Christmas #sale! 10% OFF until midnight, Christmas day. Use this voucher code MERRY10.
Here is a link to my books on #earlymodern #music and society: The books contain popular songs, #ballads and rounds, courtly lute songs and madrigals, theatre music, consort pieces and instrumental solos from the 16th to the early 18th Centuries.
Topics include the #seasons and festivals of the year; #historical events like #AnneBoleyn’s coronation, the #Plague and the Great Fire of #London; the Cries of London; #Weddings, and music from the #Mayflower.
#sheetmusic #earlymusic #tudor #elizabethan #tudors #renaissance #christmasmusic #socialhistory #history #broadsideballads #histodons #jacobean #stgeorge #valentine #winter @histodons
#publishing #christmas #sale #earlymodern #music #ballads #seasons #historical #AnneBoleyn #plague #london #weddings #Mayflower #sheetmusic #earlymusic #Tudor #elizabethan #tudors #renaissance #christmasmusic #socialhistory #history #broadsideballads #histodons #jacobean #stgeorge #valentine #winter