Na moim blogu opublikowałem artykuł o filmie #TÁR, który uważam za wielopoziomowy komentarz dotyczący cancel culture, indywidualizmu, konformizmu, muzycznej erudycji, przemocy, nadużywania władzy i tracenia wizerunku.
W artykule unikam obnażania fabularnych twistów, ale – wchodząc w polemikę z Zadie Smith – zdradzam część epilogu.
Zapraszam do lektury:
#CancelCulture #CateBlanchett #ErikaLopezPrater #FlorianHoffmeister #HildurGuðnadóttir #JacquesDerrida #LydiaTár #MarinAlsop #ToddField #ZadieSmith #film #Oscars
#tar #cancelculture #cateblanchett #erikalopezprater #florianhoffmeister #hildurgudnadottir #jacquesderrida #lydiatar #marinalsop #toddfield #zadiesmith #film #oscars
Redoing this with new character limit! Partial taglist of important-to-me #theorists, #TheoristActivists, #PublicThinkers, #Philosophers (there is an emphasis here is the #theory to #praxis synergy):
#SaraAhmed #MonicaRMiller #AnthonyBPinn #ImaniPerry #JasbirKPuar #AchilleMbembe #JacquesDerrida #GayatryChakravortySpivak #ChristinaSharpe #ZakkiyahImaniJackson #KatherineMcKittrick #SylviaWynter #HortenseSpillers #TiffanyLethaboKing #JenniferCNash #AlexanderWeheliye #DionneBrand #HeatherPool #KateManne #JudithButler #TrishaRose #SaidiyaHartman #DonnaHaraway #bellhooks #PhilipDeloria #DeniseFerreiraDaSilva #AndreaSmith #AudraSimpson #JuliaSerano #MichelleAlexander #AudreLorde #KeeangaYahmattaTaylor #ToniMorrison #AliSmith (modern fiction writer, but I swear the most Derridean thinker I've run across) #MelissaHarrisPerry #SikivuHutchinson #AngelaDavis #ChristopherMDriscoll #ArenZAzura #MartinHaagland
#theorists #theoristactivists #publicthinkers #philosophers #theory #praxis #saraahmed #monicarmiller #anthonybpinn #imaniperry #jasbirkpuar #achillembembe #jacquesderrida #gayatrychakravortyspivak #christinasharpe #zakkiyahimanijackson #katherinemckittrick #sylviawynter #hortensespillers #tiffanylethaboking #jennifercnash #alexanderweheliye #dionnebrand #heatherpool #katemanne #judithbutler #trisharose #saidiyahartman #donnaharaway #bellhooks #philipdeloria #deniseferreiradasilva #andreasmith #audrasimpson #juliaserano #michellealexander #audrelorde #keeangayahmattataylor #tonimorrison #alismith #melissaharrisperry #sikivuhutchinson #angeladavis #christophermdriscoll #arenzazura #martinhaagland
今年は #ポールドマン #PauldeMan 没後40年目。
#メモワール #Mémoires #ジャックデリダ #JacquesDerrida #宮﨑裕助 #小原拓磨 #吉松覚 #叢書言語の政治 #水声社
#喜久屋書店 #喜久屋書店小倉店 #セントシティ #セントシティ北九州 #小倉北区 #北九州 #福岡 #ブックオカ
#ブックオカ #福岡 #北九州 #小倉北区 #セントシティ北九州 #セントシティ #喜久屋書店小倉店 #喜久屋書店 #水声社 #叢書言語の政治 #吉松覚 #小原拓磨 #宮﨑裕助 #jacquesderrida #ジャックデリダ #mémoires #メモワール #PauldeMan #ポールドマン
Some thoughts about 🔔 Clang🔔, the recent translation of Derrida's Glas by David Wills and Geoffrey Bennington. Why (re)translate Glas today? What makes this a relevant text? What makes this relevant translation? 🧵1. @philosophy #derrida #JacquesDerrida #glas #clang #translation #hegel #QueerTheory #transgender
#Derrida #jacquesderrida #glas #clang #translation #hegel #queertheory #transgender
Lookit, neither the chicken nor the egg came first. Which is to say, they both came first.
I think the concepts & practices of things like #BlackJoy & #TransJoy are immensely important. I think they are directly linked to a lot of powerful theoretical work, too. Like Alexander Weheliye's #HabeasViscus. Like Christina Sharpe's #WakeWork. Katherine McKittrick's #DemonicGrounds (& thence into #SylviaWynter). And the one that's hooked me most into its cipher, Monica R Miller's notion of #AporeticFlow. (Her work is initially what motivated my work into #JacquesDerrida.)
#blackjoy #transjoy #habeasviscus #wakework #demonicgrounds #sylviawynter #aporeticflow #jacquesderrida
@kyleford I'm not *precisely* #exvangelical but I'm pretty damn adjacent. And I'm definitely into the whole #deconstruction aspect, though partly owing to its fascinating doubled word play with #Derridean deconstruction. #JacquesDerrida
#exvangelical #deconstruction #derridean #jacquesderrida
Few more, just because: #JacquesDerrida (I know I included above, but only by last name), #JuliaSerano #MichelleAlexander #AudreLorde #KeeangaYahmattaTaylor #ToniMorrison #AliSmith (modern fiction writer, but I swear the most Derridean thinker I've run across) #MelissaHarrisPerry #SikivuHutchinson #AngelaDavis
#jacquesderrida #juliaserano #michellealexander #audrelorde #tonimorrison #alismith #sikivuhutchinson #angeladavis #keeangayahmattataylor #melissaharrisperry
Interesting discussion of Derrida on the Philosophy Bites podcast:
#jacquesderrida #petersalmon #philosophybites #deconstruction
#deconstruction #philosophybites #petersalmon #jacquesderrida
The Sims is the most haunted game in the world - #FeaturedArticles #JacquesDerrida #hauntology #feature #EA
#featuredarticles #jacquesderrida #hauntology #feature #ea