🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Jacques Offenbach, Lyne Fortin, Richard Margison, Orchestre Symphonique du Quebec & Simon Streatfield:
🎵 Recit and duet 'C'est une chanson d'amour' (Antonia and Hoffmann)
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #jacquesoffenbach #lynefortin #richardmargison
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Jacques Offenbach, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra & Erich Kunzel:
🎵 Can-Can (Orpheus in the Underworld)
#nowplaying #intune #jacquesoffenbach #cincinnatipopsorchestra #erichkunzel
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #AfternoonConcert
Jacques Offenbach, Philharmonia Orchestra & Antonio de Almeida:
🎵 Ballet of the snowflakes (Le voyage dans la lune)
#nowplaying #AfternoonConcert #jacquesoffenbach #PhilharmoniaOrchestra #antoniodealmeida
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Jacques Offenbach, Yan Pascal Tortelier & BBC Philharmonic:
🎵 La belle Hélène (Overture)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #jacquesoffenbach #YanPascalTortelier #BBCPhilharmonic
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #EssentialClassics
Jacques Offenbach, Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra:
🎵 Can-Can (Orpheus in the Underworld)
#nowplaying #EssentialClassics #jacquesoffenbach #erichkunzel #cincinnatipopsorchestra
Now for something slightly different: composers who we may not necessarily think of as classical either, because they have composed as part of a larger scene production: an operetta, a musical, or other “less prestigious” outlet, but whose works have since entered the mainstream concerts repertoire:
#JacquesOffenbach, Sir Arthur Sullivan of #GilbertAndSullivan, #GeorgeGershwin, and #LeonardBernstein are well featured too; no portrait and no editor’s pick for the operetta composers, but still…
#jacquesoffenbach #gilbertandsullivan #georgegershwin #leonardbernstein
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Jacques Offenbach, Brenda Rae, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment & Mark Elder:
🎵 Fantasio, Act 3 "Psyché pauvre imprudente" (La princesse Elsbeth)
#JacquesOffenbach #BrendaRae #OrchestraoftheAgeofEnlightenment #MarkElder
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#nowplaying #intune #jacquesoffenbach #brendarae #OrchestraoftheAgeofEnlightenment #MarkElder
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jacques Offenbach, John Tomlinson, Andrew Shore, Philharmonia Orchestra & David Parry:
🎵 We're public guardians bold and wary (Genevieve de Brabant)
#JacquesOffenbach #JohnTomlinson #AndrewShore #PhilharmoniaOrchestra #DavidParry
#nowplaying #breakfast #jacquesoffenbach #JohnTomlinson #andrewshore #PhilharmoniaOrchestra #davidparry
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Jacques Offenbach, Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra:
🎵 Can-Can (Orpheus in the Underworld)
#nowplaying #intune #jacquesoffenbach #erichkunzel #cincinnatipopsorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Jacques Offenbach, Charles Mackerras & London Symphony Orchestra:
🎵 Orpheus in the Underworld - Concert Overture
#JacquesOffenbach #CharlesMackerras #LondonSymphonyOrchestra
#nowplaying #intune #jacquesoffenbach #CharlesMackerras #londonsymphonyorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTune
Jacques Offenbach, Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra:
🎵 Can-Can (Orpheus in the Underworld)
#nowplaying #intune #jacquesoffenbach #erichkunzel #cincinnatipopsorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Radio3InConcert
Jacques Offenbach, BBC Philharmonic & Ben Gernon:
🎵 La Belle Helene - Overture
#nowplaying #Radio3InConcert #jacquesoffenbach #BBCPhilharmonic #BenGernon
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jacques Offenbach, Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra:
🎵 Can-Can (Orpheus in the Underworld)
#nowplaying #breakfast #jacquesoffenbach #erichkunzel #cincinnatipopsorchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Jacques Offenbach, Tracy Dahl, Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra & Mario Bernardi:
🎵 Les Oiseaux dans la charmille - The Doll's Song
#JacquesOffenbach #TracyDahl #CalgaryPhilharmonicOrchestra #MarioBernardi
#nowplaying #ThroughTheNight #jacquesoffenbach #TracyDahl #CalgaryPhilharmonicOrchestra #MarioBernardi
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ClassicalMixtape
Jacques Offenbach, Giorgia Tomassi, Carlo Maria Griguoli & Alessandro Stella:
🎵 Barcarolle (Gaîté parisienne)
#nowplaying #classicalmixtape #jacquesoffenbach #giorgiatomassi #carlomariagriguoli
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jacques Offenbach, Frans Hedberg, Jussi Björling, Nils Grevillius & Orchestra:
🎵 La belle Hélène: uti en skog pa berget Ida (Au mont Ida trois déesses)...
#JacquesOffenbach #FransHedberg #JussiBjörling #NilsGrevillius #Orchestra
#nowplaying #breakfast #jacquesoffenbach #franshedberg #jussibjorling #nilsgrevillius #orchestra
🔊 #NowPlaying on #fip
Jacques Offenbach:
🎵 Les contes d'hoffman : Les oiseaux dans la charmille (Acte I) air d'olympia. Chanson de la poupee
#nowplaying #fip #jacquesoffenbach
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #InTuneMixtape
Jacques Offenbach, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra & André Previn:
🎵 Gaîté parisienne, No. 6: Valse
#JacquesOffenbach #PittsburghSymphonyOrchestra #AndréPrevin
#nowplaying #InTuneMixtape #jacquesoffenbach #pittsburghsymphonyorchestra #AndrePrevin #BBC3MusicBot
Very fine production of music comedy by DEFA Film in 1974, directed by Horst Bonnet “Orpheus in der Unterwelt“ after the 2 acts opera of Jacques Offenbach, the set design is definitely fantastic.
#DefaFilm #JacquesOffenbach #Film #DEFA #HorstBonnet #MusicFilm #Operette #Opera
#defafilm #jacquesoffenbach #film #defa #horstbonnet #musicfilm #operette #opera
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #Breakfast
Jacques Offenbach, Orchestre national de Lille & Darrell Ang:
🎵 Orpheus in the Underworld - concert overture
#JacquesOffenbach #OrchestrenationaldeLille #DarrellAng
#nowplaying #breakfast #jacquesoffenbach #OrchestrenationaldeLille #DarrellAng #BBC3MusicBot