"On Wednesday, 23 August co-editor Mouin Rabbani spoke with about the in . This episode of Connections examines the policies of the Israeli state towards this community and the unique challenges confronting it."


#jadaliyya #ibtisamazem #palestinians #israel

Last updated 1 year ago

richjensen · @richjensen
249 followers · 1105 posts · Server social.coop

Introduced to writings of this morning. . Enjoying this interview in from 2015 regarding his previous work: : and the of the World. jadaliyya.com/Details/32400 lmk if you read this. Let's cluster!

#garywilder #concreteutopianism #jadaliyya #freedomtime #negritude #decolonization #future

Last updated 1 year ago

"The mechanism by which Algerian indigenous communities are excluded from the state, are excluded from capital accumulation, is through the marker of Islam as a legal category [..] In order to become a French citizen one had to renounce Islamic civil laws."

discusses her book : Islam and in

#muriamhalehdavis #marketsofcivilization #racialcapitalism #algeria #colonialalgeria #colonialism #frenchcolonialism #maghreb #settlercolonialism #books #jadaliyya

Last updated 1 year ago

"[A] book talk with about her new book, : Islam and in [..] She will address how the framework of racial capitalism might be expanded to reflect on the history of the in , as well as the porous boundaries between race and religion in colonial (and post-colonial) Algeria."


#muriamhalehdavis #marketsofcivilization #racialcapitalism #algeria #frenchempire #northafrica #colonialalgeria #colonialism #frenchcolonialism #maghreb #settlercolonialism #books #jadaliyya

Last updated 1 year ago

"Nell Gabiam spoke with co-editor Mouin Rabbani about Palestinian refugees in Syria. This episode of Connections examines the Palestinian refugee community in Syria, the policies of the Syrian state towards this community, and the impact of a decade of conflict in Syria upon its fortunes."

in with


#jadaliyya #palestinianrefugees #syria #nellgabiam #palestinians #arabspring #syrianrevolution #syrianwar #syriancivilwar

Last updated 1 year ago

Concluding the

w/ Project Co-Organizers &

Monday, 24 April 2023 3 PM EST

"In an effort to mark, interrogate, and reflect on the , we launched a yearlong set of events, reflections, and conversations. We have also compiled and categorized in a dedicated portal a variety of resources for educators, researchers, students, and journalists .. "


#arabuprisingsproject #bassamhaddad #amaneyjamal #arabuprisings #printempsarabe #arabspring #moyenorient #middleeast #jadaliyya

Last updated 2 years ago

"After 2003 [..] became an open theatre for the so-called . [..] The latest figure I read is that the total of Iraqis who were displaced and had to leave their homes was 8 million. Ethnic cleansing took place because of the occupation."

The & Its Legacies with


#jadaliyya #regimechangewars #iraqinvaded20yearslater #iraq20yearsafter #iraq2003 #sinanantoon #iraqwar #waronterror #iraq

Last updated 2 years ago

"After 2003 [..] became an open theatre for the so-called . [..]The latest figure I read is that the total of Iraqis who were displaced and had to leave their homes was 8 million. Ethnic cleansing took place because of the occupation."

The & Its Legacies with


#jadaliyya #regimechangewars #iraqinvaded20yearslater #iraq20yearsafter #iraq2003 #sinanantoon #iraqwar #waronterror #iraq

Last updated 2 years ago

"After 2003 [..] became an
open theatre for the so-called . [..]The latest figure I read is that the total of Iraqis who were displaced and had to leave their homes was 8 million. Ethnic cleansing took place because of the occupation."

The & Its Legacies with


#jadaliyya #regimechangewars #iraqinvaded20yearslater #iraq20yearsafter #iraq2003 #sinanantoon #iraqwar #waronterror #iraq

Last updated 2 years ago

"This unabashed declaration that 'revolution is inevitable' from an activist who sacrificed years of her life fighting and advocating for gradual and nonviolent reform epitomizes a turning point in the politics of dissent in Iran."

"Revolution is Inevitable": ’s Letter from in Tehran,


#jadaliyya #WomanLifeFreedom #iranrevolution2022 #IranProtests2022 #iranprotests #iran #evinprison #baharehhedayat

Last updated 2 years ago

"On Thursday, 1 December Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani and Palestinian advocate [discussed] ’s acquisition of . This episode of Connections will examine the impact of ’s ownership, and more general issues relating to concentration of powers in ."


#mediaconcentration #mena #techoligarchs #twittertakeover #socialmedia #musk #twitter #elonmusk #marwafatafta #digitalrights #jadaliyya

Last updated 2 years ago