Jade Legacy (2021) von Fonda Lee. Das Jahrzehnte umspannende Finale der Green-Bone-Saga ist umwerfend: alle Plotlines finden befriedigende (wenn auch nicht immer erfreuliche) Enden und während der Fortschritt im fiktionalen asiatischen Inselstaat Kekon Einzug hält, beginnen die mafiösen Clanstrukturen antiquiert zu wirken, sodass ein echtes Gefühl von Zeitenwende entsteht. Ich hab mir ehrlich die Augen ausgeheult. Epochal!
#JadeLegacy #GreenBoneSaga #FondaLee #HeikeLiebtListen #Top15Bücher2022
#jadelegacy #greenbonesaga #fondalee #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
Jade Legacy (2021) by Fonda Lee. The Green Bone Saga is a magical mafia epos set in the fictional Asian country of Kekon. It combines imaginative action scenes with engaging family feuds and a variety of memorable characters. The final volume, spanning decades of fateful decision-making and careful politics, left me in tears. Well-rounded and fully satisfying! Lee really stuck the landing with this one.
#JadeLegacy #GreenBoneSaga #FondaLee #HeikeLovesLists #BestBooks2022
#jadelegacy #greenbonesaga #fondalee #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
@matthewgraybosch @kristianeleigh @bookstodon
Good to hear that. I have #JadeCity, #JadeWar, and #JadeLegacy in my #ToRead pile. ($10 for the lot in Vinnies.)
#jadecity #jadewar #jadelegacy #toread
@Mschristinema Fiction, it’s gotta be #FondaLee’s #JadeLegacy, the lady book in her incredible #GreenboneSaga. That series is incredible, I think it’s at the top of my list for greatest #SciFi/#Fantasy of the century (2000+) so far. I’ve never read fantasy that so precisely dealt with issues of modernity and globalization, areas I usually think sci-fi is better for. And it’s so damn gripping!
#fondalee #jadelegacy #greenbonesaga #scifi