#hobbystreakday8 and 9 completed my Idolarc and started working in the Obelisk Bearer for the #JadeObelisk #Warcry This is my first sub-assembly and it's seems less intimidating in pieces. A very different silhouette to the previous two models. #ageofsigmar #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #paintingwarhammer
#hobbystreakday8 #jadeobelisk #warcry #ageofsigmar #warhammercommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #paintingwarhammer
#hobbystreakday5 The Nephrite Priestess for the #JadeObelisk #Warcry warband is completed. I didn't have time to post pics yesterday. I'm really happy with how she turned out 😄😄😊 #ageofsigmar #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #paintingwarhammer
#hobbystreakday5 #jadeobelisk #warcry #ageofsigmar #warhammercommunity #warmongers #warmaidens #paintingwarhammer