Ok… hear me out (I mean read… right?) lol! So #rickandmorty is one of my favorite shows and unfortunately with the fallout of #JustinRoiland no longer a part of the show the voice of Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith will have to be recast.
So…. How about #ChristopherLloyd and #JaedenMartell have a one off episode and if it goes well they take the permanent role? I think it could be awesome! Someone tell #AdultSwim!
#rickandmorty #justinroiland #christopherlloyd #jaedenmartell #adultswim
‘When you’re the kid and you think the universe revolves around you. You think that you’ll always be protected and cared for. Then one day, you realize, that’s not true. Because when you’re alone as a kid, the monsters see you as weaker. You don’t even know their getting closer until it’s to late.” - Bill Denbrough, IT
#horror #film #cinema #HorrorMovies #jonathanbrandis #jaedenmartell
#horror #film #cinema #HorrorMovies #jonathanbrandis #jaedenmartell
#MrHarrigansPhone: As a supernatural morality play, it's pretty good. As a screed against those darn kids and their smartphones, not so much.
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2022/12/mr-harrigans-phone-2022-movie-review.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #teen #horror #drama #jaedenmartell #donaldsutherland #stephenking #johnleehancock #RedRibbonReviewers
#mrharrigansphone #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #teen #horror #drama #jaedenmartell #donaldsutherland #stephenking #johnleehancock #redribbonreviewers