Big Brother 25 EP 13 eviction recap podcast
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#bigbrother #bigbrother25 #cbsbigbrother #bb25 #rhap #theringer #realityaftershow #Realityrecaps #challengeusa #cirie #ciriefields #jag #felicia #americory
#americory #felicia #jag #ciriefields #cirie #challengeusa #realityrecaps #realityaftershow #theringer #rhap #bb25 #cbsbigbrother #bigbrother25 #bigbrother
Watched LegalEagle's reaction video to the #JAG premiere, and now I can't stop whistling or humming the theme. Surprised that I remember the theme of a show that debuted 28 years ago, and has been off the air for 18 years.
… für den Fall, dass hier frühere Schüler:innen des Josef-Albers-Gymnasiums in Bottrop mitlesen:
Am 19.08. ist Schulfest und danach (ab 18 Uhr) Ehemaligentreffen! 😀
#Bottrop #JAG #JosefAlbersGymnasium #Ehemalige #Ehemaligentreffen
#Ehemaligentreffen #ehemalige #josefalbersgymnasium #jag #bottrop
The #US needs to be afraid of #DeSantis. Unlike #Trump, he is actually smart. He was a #JAG and has many other accomplishments and qualifications, which makes him a dangerous man with his beliefs.
If Trump could convince his followers to commit treason on Jan 6 and convince his country he had nothing to do with it, imagine what De Santis could do.
#us #desantis #Trump #jag #Politics
Interested in making something for #Jaguar #Doom? Join this Community Project!
#consoledoom #jag #jagdoom #doommodding #doomWAD
#jaguar #doom #consoledoom #jag #jagdoom #doommodding #doomwad
Decided to go back to my childhood favorite show #JAG and it's funny the things that jump out to me now having served myself.
So far they haven't gotten zulu time correct.
It appears the writers are just taking zulu on to make it sound military as they have a few scenes where it is 8am and they put 08:00 Zulu.
Based in EST, 8am would actually be 12:00 Zulu as it's based on UTC 0 with no daylight savings time. lol
#jag #military #knowledge #bloopers
Another ex-military asshat, an Officer - a #JAG at that is actively undermining #America and her judicial system. Sen. Lindsey #Graham (R-SC).
Ha! Ha! Love it! Thank you for your disservice! Whites!
#southcarolina #navy #perfidiousrats #graham #america #jag
#TV #NCIS This is the second time #ScottLawrence has appeared on NCIS not playing Sturgis Turner from #JAG, but b/c he had played Sturgis, I didn't suspect him.
#CarolineInTheCity 31 (1996) - 8/10
#HarryGroener (#DearJohn) guests.
1️⃣ Lot of continuity with the previous episode, as we open with Del and Charlie just set up in their new office. They hire a secretary (#KarriTurner from #JAG).
2️⃣ It’s an introspective episode for both Caroline and Richard, as they both contemplate their art and their life choices. We get to see #LeaThompson doing ballet, which is cool.
#carolineinthecity #harrygroener #dearjohn #karriturner #jag #leathompson
Blev jag shame’ad eller? Det är mig sångaren tilltalar i ett mellansnack- jag tänker att det bara är en nyfiken fråga #jag #avantgardet #konsert #film #sv
#jag #avantgardet #konsert #film #sv
Practical concern: Does the UMCJ apply to civilian leaders of the military? (#Lawyers and #JAG please weigh in)
Political concern: Why make him a martyr? That would start a civil war for sure, whereas his blathering from prison would just remind people of the consequences of his actions.
Ron DeSantis taught me
We’ve heard the basic resume but what we haven’t explored is Ron DeSantis military record as a JAG in Guantanamo Bay during the peak GWB torture programs .
#torture #Florida #WarCrimes #JAG
Here’s one version
#torture #florida #warcrimes #jag
DOTAMA vs 胡桃そら/Dis4U #6(2023.1.22)
#62023.1.22 #9for #AKB48 #AKB48Team8 #CHICOCARLITO #DOTAMA #Dumbperson #FUMAnoKTR #GLOBY #GOCCI #GOLBY #GOMESS #ID #JAG-ME #KOK #KYO虎 #LARGEIRON #MCリトル #mu-ton #NAIKAMC #NAIKAMC #Nidraasashin #NovelCore #RAWAXXX #risano #Rude-α #S-kaine #SHAMO #SNFKN #TERU #Vlog #Yellagoat #ウバマヒナタ #ガードマン #クフェア #ふぁんく #フリースタイルダンジョン #ベル #ミステリオ #ミメイ #凱旋MCbattle #呂布カルマ #戦極MCBATTLE #晋平太 #松島諒 #梵頭 #百足 #真・ADRENALINE #立仙愛理 #胡桃そらDis4U #脱走 #韻マン
#9for #akb48 #AKB48Team8 #chicocarlito #dotama #dumbperson #fumanoktr #globy #gocci #golby #gomess #id #jag #kok #kyo虎 #largeiron #mcリトル #mu #naikamc #nidraasashin #NovelCore #rawaxxx #risano #rude #s #shamo #snfkn #teru #vlog #yellagoat #ウバマヒナタ #ガードマン #クフェア #ふぁんく #フリースタイルダンジョン #ベル #ミステリオ #ミメイ #凱旋mcbattle #呂布カルマ #戦極mcbattle #晋平太 #松島諒 #梵頭 #百足 #真・adrenaline #立仙愛理 #胡桃そらdis4u #脱走 #韻マン
Die Folge "Port Chicago" der Serie #JAG (S07E20) ist ganz schön heftig. Grundlage ist ein reales Geschehen von 1944, die verheerende Explosion von Port Chicago (320 Tote, darunter viele Schwarze) und die Rassentrennung in der Navy. In der Folge wird das damalige Urteil gegen 50 Schwarze Matrosen wegen Meuterei aufgegriffen (und in der fiktiven Handlung wird das Urteil von damals aufgehoben - in der Realität wurde 1999 einer der da noch drei lebenden Männer begnadigt).
#JAG S04E17 "Namenloses Entsetzen" ("Nobody’s Child") ist die heftigste Folge der Serie, die ich kenne. Es geht um den bestialischen Mord an einem kleinen Mädchen.
18 years ago today:
S10E11: Automatic for the People
Harm looks into the crash of a F-14 Tomcat.
Airdate: 2005-01-07
#JAG #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#jag #classictv #tv #television
18 years ago today:
S10E11: Automatic for the People
Harm looks into the crash of a F-14 Tomcat.
Airdate: 2005-01-07
#JAG #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#jag #classictv #tv #television
27 years ago today:
S1E10: Boot
Meg goes under cover as a Marine recruit in order to investigate the mysterious death of a female private in a boot camp. The facts point at the two drill instructors SSgt. Carrington and Sgt. Gonzales. But a newspaper clipping found by Lt. Austin changes the situation completely. Locations: Pa...
Airdate: 1996-01-06
#JAG #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#jag #classictv #tv #television