#JusticeForJaheimMcmillan #JusticeForJaheim #Jaheim #JaheimMcmillan #GulfPortMississippi #GulfPortPolice #BodyCamFootage #PoliceKilling #PoliceViolence #PoliceBrutality #ACAB #MutualAid #Boost
#justiceforjaheimmcmillan #justiceforjaheim #jaheim #jaheimmcmillan #gulfportmississippi #gulfportpolice #bodycamfootage #policekilling #policeviolence #policebrutality #acab #mutualaid #boost
These people, who barely notice state violence against Black people INSIDE THE UNITED STATES (#KeenanAnderson #DerrickKittling #JaheimMcMillan #JaylandWalker) --
are trying to link the legacy of #MLK to the proxy war the U.S. deliberately instigated in #Ukraine.
And anyone who doesn't believe the U.S./E.U. deliberately instigated this proxy war, read the confession by #AngelaMerkel.
#keenananderson #derrickkittling #jaheimmcmillan #JaylandWalker #mlk #ukraine #angelamerkel #humanrights
Re: the Times Square #MLK #Ukraine "Demonstration":
These people, who barely notice state violence against Black people INSIDE THE UNITED STATES (#KeenanAnderson #DerrickKittling #JaheimMcMillan #JaylandWalker) --
are trying to link the legacy of #MLK to the proxy war the U.S. deliberately instigated in #Ukraine.
And anyone who doesn't believe the U.S./E.U. deliberately instigated this proxy war, read the confession by #AngelaMerkel.
#mlk #ukraine #keenananderson #derrickkittling #jaheimmcmillan #JaylandWalker #angelamerkel