#‘JaiVigyan #Jai #PM #Isro
Ministrul austriac al Internelor, înainte de întâlnirea cu #LucianBode: Nu am votat pentru aderarea României la Consiliul #JAI pentru că sistemul 🛂#Schengen nu funcționează.
#lucianbode #jai #Schengen #news #știri #romania #ue
A rare glimpse of #Jai, a programming language developed by Jonathan Blow, as an alternative to C and C++:
There are a few really interesting ideas there, if you're interested in new programming languages like #ZigLang for example.
Președintele #Iohannis îl retrimite la #Viena pe 📜#AmbasadorulRomâniei, într-un “gest de deschidere” către 🇦🇹#Austria. Diplomatul fusese rechemat după votul negativ dat de 🇦🇹#Austria în Consiliul #JAI din decembrie.
#iohannis #viena #austria #jai #news #știri #romania #ue #ambasadorulromaniei #Schengen
It's been a mildly depressing end of the year. After unsuccessfully trying to hammer on the Mastodon compatibility for #FedBOX, I decided to take a break from #ActivityPub development and I worked for some days on a multithreaded http server using the #jai programming language.
It's a nice little toy, and despite having to use the POSIX sockets library to make it, the native concepts are pretty good.
The argument against compiler command line arguments and the complexity of compiling anything is so true.
I actually would love that more languages follow the principle of #Jai for that.
Your program should specify everything to compile itself!
The argument against compiler command line arguments and the complexity of compiling anything is so true.
I actually would love that more languages follow the principle of #Jai for that.
Your program should specify everything to compile itself!
Jai Programming Language Q&A, December 2022: https://youtu.be/OAIqCpqszVw #Programming #GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGameDev #Jai
#jai #indiegamedev #indiedev #gamedev #programming
Very interesting to see an update about compile time "macros" and how that experiment is going.
I'm not beta tester but that's a part I'm very interested in.