So happy that #JaiHindley won Stage 5 of the #TourDeFrance2023 — awesome talent representing #Perth and #WesternAustralia! #TDF #TDF2023 #TourDeFrance #LeTour #Australia #Cycling #Cyclist #Velo #Vélodon #Peloton #CouchPeloton
#tourdefrance2023 #perth #westernaustralia #tdf #tdf2023 #tourdefrance #letour #australia #cycling #cyclist #velo #velodon #peloton #couchpeloton #jaihindley
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Jai Hindley #JaiHindley
2. Amber (potvis) #Amber(Potvis)
3. Wierd Duk #WierdDuk
"Jai Hindley" was de meest bekeken wikipediapagina van 5 juli 2023, zo goed als 8.868 keer!
Hindley made his move to solo to victory with 20 kms to go! 😮 #TDF2023 #cycling
#ABCNews Headline: #JaiHindley takes lead of #TourdeFrance after stage five victory
Link to article on #ABCAustralia website:
#tdf2023 #cycling #abcnews #jaihindley #tourdefrance #abcaustralia
A fantastic win by #JaiHindley at #TDF2023 #CouchPeloton
#jaihindley #tdf2023 #couchpeloton