Learning from Latino and Multilingual Youth – Podcast Episode 235 #jaiku #feedly https://www.idra.org/resource-center/learning-from-latino-and-multilingual-youth-podcast-episode-235/
I see people sobbing about #Twitter, reminiscing, nostalgic, sad. I honestly find that a bit strange. I was there since the early days but fundamentally it was a bit of fun, a distraction, and sometimes an outreach tool. But not really more than that. I have no emotional attachment to it (and, for that matter, don’t have any for #Jaiku either or even #IRC). I’m not sure I’ll have that for #Mastodon. My personal identity isn’t dependent on a random digital service, which come and which go.
#twitter #jaiku #irc #mastodon
@tillwe Der in vielerlei Hinsicht wegweisende Mikroblogging-Dienst #Jaiku startete 2006 und wurde 2012 eingestellt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaiku
Deactivated my #Twitter account. I've had it since 2006, but wasn't really active until after Google acquired #Jaiku.
Mastodon feels Jaiku-like, modulo my people are older and understandably jaded. Finding people to follow via people you follow, threaded discussions.
Going through my archive it's noticeable at first there's very little politics, just microblogging. I don't think I was less political (my #CopyLeft t-shirt predates then), just less conditioned to express online.
Deactivated my #Twitter account. I've had it since 2006, but wasn't really active until after Google acquired #Jaiku.
Mastodon feels Jaiku-like, modulo my people are older and understandably jaded. Finding people to follow via people you follow, threaded discussions.
Going through my archive it's noticeable at first there's very little politics, just microblogging. I don't think I was less political (my #CopyLeft t-shirt predates then), just less conditioned to express online.
#YouTube can be such an Ass.
Keeps pausing and asking, "Are you still there?" so I have to keep coming back in the room to restart the videos playing.
I'll never use #YouTubeMusic because #Google has let us down so many times, I don't want to start curating playlists and friends to just lose it all again, when #Alphabet changes names.
I could do better playing off my hard drive, I've my entire DJ collection hits backed up in MP3.
#youtube #youtubemusic #google #alphabet #picnik #buzz #aardvark #sidewiki #knoi #googleplus #jaiku
I think it’s funny that I’ve only been on the fedi for a few days and the first handful of folks I start following are mostly from #jaiku. Jaiku the site disappeared a decade ago but Jaiku the community stays eternal.
För fyra dagar sedan bestämde jag mig för att ge Mastodon en ärlig chans och bli aktiv här. Min inställning utifrån det jag sett var försiktigt positiv. Fyra dagars läsande, postande, följande och konversationer senare har den känslan bara förhöjts. Känner lite vibbar från gamla Jaiku, om några här var med på den tiden. En trevlig plats, än så länge. Hoppas innerligt den får fortsätta vara det. #jaiku #nostalgi #mastodonnu
@dsample @jamesclay @yishaym @Setok
yep. I still miss #jaiku to this day. The usability is centered around conversations which in turn builds connections and relationships. (and some location stuff which was nice to have). Every new network that pops up, you'll find us Jaikunauts looking for each other - on Google+, diaspora*, mastodon, and many other short-lived networks.
@Icedcoffee Let's not go too crazy there. 😂 I was a big fan of #FriendFeed and #Jaiku back in the day though.
@davetroy Maybe Jyri Engeström and Petteri Koponen, the founders of Jaiku, can tell us the story in more detail when they join Mastodon?
I can't find them through name search here yet and no indications of Mastodon on their Twitter accounts' bio.
#MastodonMeetup #Slush2022 #Jaiku #PubSubHubbub #ActivityPub #RSS #API
#mastodonmeetup #slush2022 #jaiku #pubsubhubbub #activitypub #rss #api
…this is the user-generated-content write-up on #Jaiku and it’s downfall (by being bought by Google back in the day) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaiku
I wasn’t on twitter from the beginning, I was on a different thing which I preferred, called #Jaiku - which was the same sort of idea as twitter but wasn’t blue (I hated blue icons, they automatically connoted corporate faceless totalitarian entities to me)
Jaiku got bought by Google, and several years later was killed
Google often kills useful and innovative products and services, so #RIPTwitter isn’t unusual if it were a Google product
Today we were discussing how SoMes go through phases where things like #twitter and #jaiku were very close-knit at the start. People helping each other, arranging meetups, conversing. Then when things got big, that died. Is it possible the element of server locality might retain some of that on #mastodon? I’m not convinced the way it’s done now is quite enough, but could it evolve that way?
Entä kuinka moni muistaa suomalaisen #Jaiku? Perustettiin lähes samanaikaisesti Twitterin kanssa, mutta oli parempi. Harmi, että myivät sen Googlelle, joka hautasi koko projektin.