MRS. DAVIS (2023) on Peacock is quite impressive. I'm currently on the 2nd of 4 currently available episodes with the last 2 episodes dropping in the next two weeks.
It's weird/surreal and is perfectly timed with Elon Musk's Blue Checkmark bullshit. It's way to religious for me, w/ Nuns and theoretically a Jesus character, but it stars Betty Gilpin (Glow, The Hunt) and Jake McDorman (Manhattan Love Story, Limitless).
#MrsDavis #BettyGilpin #jakemcdorman #glownetflix #Limitless #PeacockTV
#PeacockTV #limitless #glownetflix #jakemcdorman #bettygilpin #mrsdavis
CLASS OF ’09: Season 1, Episodes 1-2 Plot Synopses, Directors, & Air Dates [FX on Hulu]
#FilmBook #TVShowNews #BrianJ.Smith #BrianTyreeHenry #BrookeSmith #Classof'09 #FX #FXonHulu #Hulu #IsaiahStratton #JakeMcDorman #JonJonBriones #KateMara #MarkPellegrino #RaulCastillo #RosalindEleazar #SarafinaKing #ScienceFiction #SepidehMoafi #TVShowNews
#filmbook #tvshownews #brianj #briantyreehenry #brookesmith #classof #fx #fxonhulu #hulu #isaiahstratton #jakemcdorman #jonjonbriones #katemara #markpellegrino #raulcastillo #rosalindeleazar #sarafinaking #sciencefiction #sepidehmoafi
#MrsDavis, the wackadoodle drama from #TaraHernandez and #DamonLindelof, premieres on #peacock today. #BettyGilpin and #JakeMcDorman are excellent, and #ChrisDiamantopoulos gives my favorite comedic performance so far this year. My review:
#ChrisDiamantopoulos #jakemcdorman #BettyGilpin #peacock #DamonLindelof #tarahernandez #MrsDavis
CLASS OF ’09 (2023) TV Show Trailer: Brian Tyree Henry & Kate Mara star in FX’s Sci-fi FBI Thriller
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #BrianJ.Smith #BrianTyreeHenry #BrookeSmith #Classof'09 #FX #FXonHulu #Hulu #IsaiahStratton #JakeMcDorman #JonJonBriones #KateMara #MarkPellegrino #RaulCastillo #RosalindEleazar #SarafinaKing #ScienceFiction #SepidehMoafi #TVShowTrailer
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #brianj #briantyreehenry #brookesmith #classof #fx #fxonhulu #hulu #isaiahstratton #jakemcdorman #jonjonbriones #katemara #markpellegrino #raulcastillo #rosalindeleazar #sarafinaking #sciencefiction #sepidehmoafi
MRS. DAVIS (2023) TV Show Trailer: Nun Betty Gilpin vs. World-wide A.I. [Peacock]
#FilmBook #TVShowTrailer #TVShowPoster #AndyMcQueen #BenChaplin #BettyGilpin #DavidArquette #ElizabethMarvel #JakeMcDorman #KatjaHerbers #MargoMartindale #Peacock #ScienceFiction #TVShowPoster #TVShowTrailer
#filmbook #tvshowtrailer #tvshowposter #andymcqueen #benchaplin #bettygilpin #davidarquette #elizabethmarvel #jakemcdorman #katjaherbers #margomartindale #peacock #sciencefiction