Gråt meg en våtmark. Jegerne får ikke lov til å pumpe giftige tungmetaller _i like stor grad_ ut i naturen. Og inntar offerrollen. #jaktogfiske #jegere #jakt #bly #tungmetaller #blypatroner #NorskTut
#jaktogfiske #jegere #jakt #bly #tungmetaller #blypatroner #norsktut
the other thing I don’t really love is the big prelude, #jakt has.
By default you can access a lot of things from the standard library, like the File object, which allows file IO.
While it might be great for discoverability while writing, it compromises jakt first goal: readability.
When opening a jakt file, one can not immediately see what the content roughly does. Compared to languages like go or rust with a small prelude and imports, one can see at the top of the file what’s going on.
Okay, but why can’t we have a #Swift or #Jakt like language, which compiles to natives code, enforces error handling, uses errors as Values, has no inheritance, but interfaces like go, removes Null and uses Atomic Reference Counting?
Swift comes close, but has classes and a really bad cross platform story and jakt looks good but still has inheritance, because it is designed for building browsers. Currently it bubbles errors automatically, which I really don’t like either.
If folks want to help support my work on #rust / #rustlang (which these days includes core team and the Rust Governance Working Group), or my work on other programming languages (like #nushell or #jakt), please do! You can find me on:
#rust #rustlang #nushell #jakt
Took another look at #Jakt and it's... not terrible? Even kinda sorta good?
It's like Rust and AK had a child
This will also be embraced through #Jakt with its OOM-fallible strings and automatic error propagation, a key feature of the language!
If I held some office hours, would anyone be interested?
Possible topics: #rust, creating #programminglanguages, #nushell, #jakt.
We could pick one topic, or level it loose and pick something from the above.
#rust #programminglanguages #nushell #jakt
Kammarrätten i Sundsvall resonerar om vapenlagens begrepp ”synnerliga skäl”. Mycket intressant slutsats!
#vapenlagstiftning #jakt #skytte