Right, I should get back to cleaning...
I was only supposed to quickly put on some music I could listen to while cleaning.
Then I thought: "oh, yes, there was some new music release I wanted to check out that I could no longer find in my release radar last week". Searched for other ways to find it on Spotify itself, to no avail. Then found #Jakubito's tool, and wanted to share it on Mastodon.
Then I got distracted by other posts on my timeline and meta discussion...
It's disappointing that the only way to get an overview of new releases in #Spotify is their #ReleaseRadar, which only shows a single track per artist, has a limited time scope, and refreshes only periodically.
So glad that #JakubDobes aka #Jakubito has created https://spotifyreleaselist.netlify.app/ which does a far better job!
I can set the time range, what types (album, single, compilation, and/or appearances), sort order, optionally exclude labels, include popularity, etc.
#spotify #ReleaseRadar #jakubdobes #jakubito #FiXatoRecommends #music