Yhdysvalloissa on lanseerattu 911 lisäksi erillinen #mielenterveys #hotline numeroon 988. Kokemukset ovat myönteisiä.
Suran M. How the New 988 Lifeline Is Helping Millions in Mental Health Crisis. #jama Published online August 30, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2023.14440
Incidence of Syndromes Associated With FTLD in 9 European Countries
"We estimated that the projected number of newly diagnosed FTLD cases in Europe is approximately 12 000 per year. This is a substantial burden on the European health and welfare system that should be seriously considered to provide appropriate health and social care planning and to design future clinical trials."
Täglicher Limokonsum mit erhöhtem Leberkrebsrisiko assoziiert
> Columbia – Bei postmenopausalen Frauen ist der Konsum von zuckergesüßten Getränken offenbar mit einem erhöhten Risiko für #Leberkrebs sowie einer erhöhten durch... #JAMA
#USA #Lääkärilehti #JAMA kirjoittaa #geriatria -erikoisalan ahdingosta.
En tiedä mikä tilanne on Suomessa mutta sen tiedän, että osaaville "generalisti" -geriatreille on valtava kysyntä. Siinä missä ihmiselämän alkutaival sisältää omia erityisiä laaja-alaisia haasteitaan, on niitä kasapäin myös lopputaipaleella.
Tuetaan geriatrien koulutusta ja työtä.
Gurwitz JH. The Paradoxical Decline of Geriatric Medicine as a Profession. JAMA. Published online August 04, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2023.11110
#geriatria #jama #laakarilehti #usa
Varsin selkeä #jama eli US #lääkäriliiton kannanotto #AI ja vastaavien työkalujen käytöstä julkaisujen teossa.
#publication #julkaisu #science #laaketiede #tekoaly #ai #laakariliiton #jama
Ars Technica: US maternal deaths more than doubled over two decades, study estimates https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951838 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #maternalmortality #pregnancy #Science #Health #black #death #JAMA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #maternalmortality #pregnancy #science #health #black #death #jama
US maternal deaths more than doubled over two decades, study estimates - Enlarge / A pregnant woman holds her belly on September 27, 2016. (cred... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1951838 #maternalmortality #pregnancy #science #health #black #death #jama
#jama #death #black #health #science #pregnancy #maternalmortality
here's the original research as it appears in #JAMA. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2806188
Tärkeä havainto satunnaistetuista kontrolloiduista kliinisistä tutkimuksista (#RCT), joiden nimiin vannotaan esim lääketieteessä. Jos tilastollinen merkitsevyys ei täyty, vaikka oltaisiin lähelläkin merkitsevää, on todennäköisempää, että tutkimus osoittaa ”ettei vaikutusta ollut”. Tutkijat totetavat, että selittelyyn ja ”tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia” ei itse asiassa ole useinkaan perusteita.
Recent #JAMA article showing what we all know: quality metrics reported to the government and accreditation bodies cost the healthcare system billions when multiplied across all hospitals. Is it worth it?
#qualitymetrics #healthcareQI #coremeasures
#coremeasures #healthcareqi #qualitymetrics #jama
Non-inferior to standard of care (valgancyclovir) more expensive surely so why should we use the NKOTB?
It does seem to be safer! Lower SAE including leucopenia - and possibly less future CMV resistance
Letermovir in #kidney #transplant in #JAMA @jama_current
Really important progress on long covid/PASC definitions from the NIH RECOVER cohort. 12 points from a combination of 12 symptoms. #JAMA #OpenAccess https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2805540
PRS eli #polygeeninenriskisumma (#polygenicriskscore #prs), joka kertoo paljonko tietylle taudille altistavia perintötekijöitä kullakin on, hävisi vertailun sepelvaltimoiden kalkin määrälle kysyttäessä kumpi tuo perinteisten riskitekijöiden päälle vielä lisäarvoa kun kyseessä #sepelvaltimotautiriski.
#jama #genetiikka #sepelvaltimotautiriski #prs #polygenicriskscore #polygeeninenriskisumma
From 02 May: AI’s chaotic rollout in big US hospitals detailed in anonymous quotes - EnlargeAurich Lawson Getty Images When it comes to artificial intelligence, t... https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/05/ais-chaotic-rollout-in-big-us-hospitals-detailed-in-anonymous-quotes/ #ai #ai-medicine #duke #healthcare #hospitals #ibm-watson #jama #science #tech
#tech #science #jama #ibm #hospitals #healthcare #Duke #ai
From 25 Apr: Melatonin in sleep-aid gummies can be off by up to 350%, study finds - EnlargeGetty Tim Graham An eye-opening analysis of common over-the-counter sl... https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/04/crazy-variability-of-melatonin-in-sleep-aid-gummies-may-keep-you-up-at-night/ #children #dietary-supplements #gummies #hormone #jama #melatonin #poison-control #safety #science #sleep #sleep-aid #supplements
#supplements #sleep #science #safety #poison #melatonin #jama #hormone #gummies #dietary #children
Ars Technica: AI’s chaotic rollout in big US hospitals detailed in anonymous quotes https://arstechnica.com/?p=1936159 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #AImedicine #healthcare #hospitals #IBMWatson #Science #Tech #Duke #JAMA #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #aimedicine #healthcare #hospitals #ibmwatson #science #duke #jama #ai
Real World Evidence Shown to Emulate Some Clinical Trials
A #study of #insurance claims #records matching the design of randomized clinical trials shows #claims data can in some cases resemble clinical trial results to make causal inferences.
#News #Science #Business #ClinicalTrials #RCT #RealWorldEvidence #Algorithms #Analytics #Software #MedicalRecords #FDA #JAMA
#study #insurance #records #claims #News #science #business #clinicaltrials #RCT #RealWorldEvidence #algorithms #analytics #software #medicalrecords #fda #jama
Ars Technica: Melatonin in sleep-aid gummies can be off by up to 350%, study finds https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934370 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #dietarysupplements #poisoncontrol #supplements #melatonin #children #sleepaid #Science #gummies #hormone #safety #sleep #JAMA
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #dietarysupplements #poisoncontrol #supplements #Melatonin #children #sleepaid #science #gummies #hormone #safety #sleep #jama
Melatonin in sleep-aid gummies can be off by up to 350%, study finds - Enlarge (credit: Getty | Tim Graham)
An eye-opening analysis o... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934370 #dietarysupplements #poisoncontrol #supplements #melatonin #children #sleepaid #science #gummies #hormone #safety #sleep #jama
#jama #sleep #safety #hormone #gummies #science #sleepaid #children #melatonin #supplements #poisoncontrol #dietarysupplements
So the US life expectancy numbers going down. Sure, there are lots of factors. No one thing. Sure.
EXCEPT… I’m thinking the conversation needs more FUNCTIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM and INSURANCE IS NOT WORKING. ffs
#health #publichealth #jama #fda