New in #JAMANetworkOpen “Every $1 invested in the New York City #COVID19 #vaccination campaign yielded an estimated $10.19 in cost savings from lower infection and mortality rates, fewer productivity losses, and averted health care use”
#Vaccination #COVID19 #jamanetworkopen
New commentary in #JAMANetworkOpen “After a decade of evidence that has overwhelmingly shown that the Hospital Readmission Reductions Program has been largely ineffective, it is time for federal policy makers to retire the program” #healthpolicy #openaccess
#openaccess #healthpolicy #jamanetworkopen
Very nice #JAMANetworkOpen commentary by Stephanie Johnson and @germsandnumbers #openaccess
Did attendance at #NFL games increase regional #covid19 spread during the 2020-21 season?
Answer: Yes, kinda maybe
#COVID19 #NFL #openaccess #jamanetworkopen
New in #JAMANetworkOpen “Assessment of #Herpes #Zoster Risk Among Recipients of COVID-19 Vaccine” #openaccess
Meaning: “These findings suggest #covid19vaccine is not associated with an increased risk of herpes zoster, which may help to address concerns about the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines”
#covid19vaccine #openaccess #Zoster #herpes #jamanetworkopen
New in #JAMANetworkOpen #statistics Target Trial Emulation Framework vs Cox Regression “These findings suggest that clinical research based on observational data can be used to estimate findings similar to those from randomized clinical trials; however, the correctness of these estimates requires designing and analyzing the data set on principles that are different from the current standard in clinical research”