The Tyee: In ‘As We Rise,’ Black Photography Captures All the Moves (in Culture) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #PolygonGalleryNorthVan #AperturePhotography #ArielleBobb-Willis #Dr.KennethMontague #TheWedgeCollection #JorianCharlton #JamesVanDerZee #XavieraSimmons #DrumMagazine #ElliotRamsay #JamelShabazz #DeannaBowen #StanDouglas #ErlinIbreck #JamesBarnor #SamuelFosso #TejuCole
#BCNews #TheTyee #polygongallerynorthvan #aperturephotography #ariellebobb #Dr #thewedgecollection #joriancharlton #jamesvanderzee #xavierasimmons #drummagazine #elliotramsay #jamelshabazz #deannabowen #standouglas #erlinibreck #jamesbarnor #samuelfosso #tejucole
@990000 I love Shabazz. Reminds me of my favorite era growing up near NYC. He used an old Nikon SLR for a long time, a Contax medium format, a Canon point and shoot (and now a Canon dSLR), and a rangefinder I haven't been able to identify. Most likely, he's used more cameras than that, since he seems to be brand-agnostic. #photogear #photography #JamelShabazz
#photogear #photography #jamelshabazz
These photos are so amazing. Also, the quality is so good it feels like they were taken just recently. I wonder what camera Shabazz used? Medium format? Large format?
Jamel Shabazz’s Poignant Images of “A Time Before Crack” #JamelShabazz #HipHop #Photography #NY
#jamelshabazz #hiphop #photography #ny
Jamel Shabazz’s Poignant Images of “A Time Before Crack” #JamelShabazz #HipHop #Photography #NY
#jamelshabazz #hiphop #photography #ny