@TonyStark A picture of Michelangelo's *David*, pearl-clutching book titles, and now this. I'm sick and tired of reading about ignorant, small-minded people who get to hold sway over everyone else.
#jamesandthegiantpeach #bannedbooks #libraries
#Texas #GOPCircus #MAGAMadness #StupidParents #JamesAndTheGiantPeach #Theater
This is insane. Not surprising, but insane.
#texas #gopcircus #magamadness #stupidparents #jamesandthegiantpeach #theater
@extinctmonsters Hmm, I'm not so sure. I seem to recall they eat giant peaches, or try to at least.
“I Make Scary Films For Brave Children” | Henry Selick & The Creepy Coming of Age Story
An examination of #HenrySelick & his films. Why he usually centers the film around kids. Stories around parenting. And why he chooses #StopMotion.
#WendelAndWild was on par Selick. Great visuals. Fluid animation. Story is a bit stiff, with alot of threads going. But always a sight to behold, and a experience like no other.
#JamesAndTheGiantPeach #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas #Coraline
#HenrySelick #stopmotion #wendelandwild #jamesandthegiantpeach #thenightmarebeforechristmas #coraline