This excerpt from James Bridle #jamesbridle in Ways of Being seems apposite here.
In the words of the avant-garde novelist Tom McCarthy, there is no truly original creation, just ‘repetition, repetition and repetition’. In which case what’s so unusual about ChatGPT, Dall-E et al? I’d be more inclined to agree with #jamesbridle's complaint that this kind of AI is based on the ‘wholesale appropriation of existing culture’, if more writers and artists didn’t themselves endlessly produce things that are different yet the same.
Talk about ways of being. Can’t the continual writing of books that are published as commercial products on a copyrighted, all rights reserved basis by a proprietorial corporation such as Verso or Penguin be itself seen as a highly predictable, preprogrammed mode of appropriative performance? Like those of AI image and text generators, aren’t outputs of this kind also ‘dependent on the uncredited and unrenumerated work’ of a multitude of others, including plants and machines?
#jamesbridle #ai #CriticalAI #dh #digitalhumanities
“We think so much like computers today because they’ve defined what is thinkable. And so for me, rethinking the computer rethinks what is computable, and therefore rethinks what is thinkable at all about the world.”
#JamesBridle in conversation with Emergence Magazine.
“Yapay zekânın hızlı bir devinime hazırlandığı günümüzde yeryüzünde var olmanın büyüleyici, tekinsiz ve çoklu yollarını” ele alan ‘Ways of Being’ adlı kitap üzerine Deniz Yenihayat’tan: https://manifold.press/insandan-ote-dunya
#manifold #yapakzeka #WaysOfBeing #JamesBridle #DenizYenihayat #kitap #ManifoldPress
#manifold #yapakzeka #WaysOfBeing #jamesbridle #denizyenihayat #kitap #manifoldpress
“Yapay zekânın hızlı bir devinime hazırlandığı günümüzde yeryüzünde var olmanın büyüleyici, tekinsiz ve çoklu yollarını” ele alan ‘Ways of Being’ adlı kitap üzerine Deniz Yenihayat’tan: https://manifold.press/insandan-ote-dunya
#manifold #yapakzeka #WaysOfBeing #JamesBridle #DenizYenihayat #kitap #ManifoldPress
#manifold #yapakzeka #WaysOfBeing #jamesbridle #denizyenihayat #kitap #manifoldpress
REVIEW: New Dark Age - Technology and the End of the Future
#Book #Future #JamesBridle #Review #Society #Technology
#book #review #future #jamesbridle #society #technology