Papa's got a brand new little green bag.
#GeorgeBakerSelection #HashtagGames #buildasongoutofsongs #jamesbrown
Gizmodo: Here’s Trump’s Mugshot. Do Your Thing, Internet. https://gizmodo.com/donald-trump-mugshot-fulton-county-georgia-1850772122?utm_source=regular #criminalprocedure #leeharveyoswald #lindsaylohan #donaldtrump #rudyguliani #jamesbrown #nicknolte #karilake #mugshot #etsy
#criminalprocedure #leeharveyoswald #lindsaylohan #donaldtrump #rudyguliani #jamesbrown #nicknolte #karilake #mugshot #etsy
Op vraag van #JamesBrown, waar ze een kortstondige maar gewelddadige relatie met kreeg, tekende ze bij zijn label waar ze één single opnam en mee op zijn revue tournee ging.
Maar ze kreeg klappen en vlucht naar haar ouders en verbreekt het contact en contract.
Vanaf 1964 kwam ze bij #Motown terecht en mocht duetten opnemen en een paar solo opnames, maar uiteindelijk werd ze gelinkt aan #MarvinGaye waarmee ze grote hits scoort.
Aan het mooie liedje kwam op 14 oktober 1967 abrupt een eind
#jamesbrown #motown #marvingaye
DAY 6: A song that makes you want to dance...
0:57 / 6:14
#JamesBrown's "Get Up Offa That Thing (Release The Pressure)", 1976.
Ain't nothing funkier that this!
#funk #eddiefm #jamesbrown #30daysongchallenge
Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine
Ted Tocks Covers
Papa's Got a Brand New Bag
Originally posted on July 17, 2019
This song was released by #JamesBrown on this day in 1965, and went on to win a Grammy. For many, it serves to define the emergence of the funk/soul era.
"Come here mama, and dig this crazy scene
He's not too fancy, but his line is pretty clean
He ain't no drag
Papa's got a brand new bag"
I like some #music:
#music #beachboys #bjork #blackflag #brianeno #carlyraejepsen #daftpunk #dandeacon #davidbowie #delasoul #devo #el #elviscostello #fionaapple #flaminglips #fuckedup #girltalk #gratefuldead #gruffrhys #jamesbrown #johncoltrane #lizzymercierdescloux #m #ofmontreal #operationivy #pixies #radiohead #redfang #spoon #superfurryanimals #talkingheads #therollingstones #theseaandcake #theymightbegiants #tomwaits #tootsandthemaytals #wire
This week's #ThursdayFiveList is #TheLive. I often post live versions of tracks to the various hashtags, so I need to find something other than my usual go-to live performances today!
Anna Meredith - Paramour
(I saw Anna last year - she is just so much fun, I'd encourage everyone to go and watch her if you get the chance)
Sam and Dave - Soul Man
(Sam and Dave were such fantastic performers - plus, look at those sax players!)
James Brown - Super Bad
(If I could go back in time and see any artist play live, it would James in this period, with the very best JBs lineup, Bootsy, Catfish, Maceo, St Clair Pinckney, Fred Wesley etc)
Parliament-Funkadelic - Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker)
(More Bootsy! More Maceo! More Fred Wesley!)
ADG7 (Ak Dan Gwang Chil) - Whatever
(Had never heard of them before I saw them on the recent Glastonbury coverage. Are my new favourite band. They are amazing.)
#thursdayfivelist #thelive #music #adg7 #pfunk #jamesbrown #samanddave #annameredith
Say It Loud - I'm Black And I'm Proud
"Mashed Potato Time" is a 1962 single written by #KalMann and #BernieLowe, and performed by #DeeDeeSharp, with backing vocals by #TheOrlons, on her debut album #ItsMashedPotatoTime. The song refers to the Mashed Potato dance move, which was a fad. It was one of several songs that at that time that referenced the dance, another being #JamesBrown's "#MashedPotatoesUSA" #TheMarvelettes song "#PleaseMrPostman" is mentioned in the lyrics.
#kalmann #bernielowe #deedeesharp #theorlons #itsmashedpotatotime #jamesbrown #mashedpotatoesusa #themarvelettes #pleasemrpostman
Hit me with the funk, gimme that James Brown
James Brown - Paid the cost to be the boss (REMIX)
@octothorpe Not now, James, we're busy!
#jamesbrown #pwei
🎧 Deep dive tonight into #JamesBrown's epic studio jams—"rap" sessions with the band, in perfect syncopation, tape rolling. Brown *laughs on the one!
Funky as you please.
Brown, #FredWesley and the #JBs made "More Peas" in 1973 (13:45).
#70s #funk #eddiefm #JBS #fredwesley #jamesbrown
The world is instantly better with some James Brown.
"Think about the good things ..."