As the data in our knowledgebases becomes ever more rapidly obsolete, it will be less important to know the data, than to be able to access and relate them one to another.
-- James Burke (The Pinball Effect)
⬆ #Quotes #JamesBurke #Computers #Data #Knowledge
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #Kayaks #Everglades #Florida
#quotes #jamesburke #computers #data #knowledge #photography #panorama #sunset #kayaks #everglades #florida
There are two types of people in this world.
People that have Season 1 of #JamesBurke’s #Connections on loop all day on a tertiary display while they work, and those that don’t.
81 years ago:
A Desperate Chance for Ellery Queen (US)
A man is framed for embezzlement and runs off to San Francisco. His wife hires Queen to try and track him down before the police get to him.
#ADesperateChanceforElleryQueen #JohnLitel #CharleyGrapewin #JamesBurke #Columbia #ClassicFilm
#adesperatechanceforelleryqueen #johnlitel #charleygrapewin #jamesburke #columbia #classicfilm
76 years ago:
Philo Vance's Gamble (US)
One of two Philo Vance mystery movies released by PRC.
#PhiloVancesGamble #FrankJenks #TalaBirell #JamesBurke #Film
#philovancesgamble #frankjenks #talabirell #jamesburke #film
88 years ago:
Ruggles of Red Gap (US)
In this comedy of an Englishman stranded in a sea of barbaric Americans, Marmaduke Ruggles, a gentleman's gentleman and butler to an Earl is lost in a poker game to an uncouth American cattle baron. Ruggles's life is turned upside down as he's taken to the USA, is gradually assimilated into American...
#RugglesofRedGap #LeoMcCarey #CharlesLaughton #JamesBurke #Paramount #ClassicMovies
#rugglesofredgap #leomccarey #charleslaughton #jamesburke #paramount #classicmovies
88 years ago:
The Mystery Man (US)
Hard-boiled newspaper reporter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) goes a bit too far in celebrating a work bonus and wakes up on a train bound for St. Louis with only a buck on his person. To remedy the problem, Doyle pawns the revolver he's carrying. When the gun is subsequently used in a murder, Doyle...
#TheMysteryMan #RobertArmstrong #JamesBurke #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#themysteryman #robertarmstrong #jamesburke #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Harvey Weinstein Wants New Rape Trial, New Jury #Jezebel #wealthintheunitedstates #sexualmisconduct #harveyweinstein #benjaminbrafman #judaengelmayer #metoomovement #jamesburke #law2ccrime #facebook #janedoe #humans #women
#jezebel #wealthintheunitedstates #sexualmisconduct #HarveyWeinstein #benjaminbrafman #judaengelmayer #metoomovement #jamesburke #law2ccrime #facebook #janedoe #Humans #women
Today James Burke's 1985 #science #history TV show and companion book came into my head today. I haven't seen it since it first aired. He explored moments of science discovery that changed the world. It wasn't splashy, but it was engrossing and fascinating for me. #Kanopy doesn't have it, but they have his earlier series, Connections. #JamesBurke
#jamesburke #Kanopy #history #science