在台灣,我們喜歡數字八。 In Taiwan we love the number 8.
對於我們整個“鞋故事”團隊來說,這確實是一種特殊的榮譽。 感謝印度本地治裡 IFIFF 的電影愛好者們的認可和鼓勵。恭喜大家!
A thrilling day for the entire ‘Shoe Story’ team. Thanks to film lovers at IFIFF for the warm welcome. Congratulations, all!
Social Media: Shoe Story
#taiwan #india #shortfilm #ififf #pondicherry #doralo #jameschlo #wenchihchi #tzuxiangchen #boxinhuang #yifangchou #atbeaune #awards #honours #prizes #win
#taiwan #india #shortfilm #ififf #pondicherry #doralo #jameschlo #wenchihchi #tzuxiangchen #boxinhuang #yifangchou #atbeaune #awards #honours #prizes #win
Delighted to announce that ‘Shoe Story’ has been selected by the Zagreb International Film Festival. A key conviction behind the creation of ZIFF is that ‘Zagreb can become an important point of the cultural heritage of cinema.’
All of us connected with ‘Shoe Story’ are honoured to be part of this new cinematic tradition in Croatia!
#Taiwan #Croatia #cinema #shortfilm #ziff #ZabgredInternationalFilmFestival #DoraLo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #ShoeStory #ATBeaune
#taiwan #croatia #cinema #shortfilm #ziff #zabgredinternationalfilmfestival #doralo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #shoestory #atbeaune
The Zagreb International Film Festival has selected 'Shoe Story' for inclusion in its program. Organisers say a key spark for the creation of ZIFF is that 'Zagreb can become an important point of the cultural heritage of cinema.'
All of us connected with 'Shoe Story' are honoured to be part of this new cinematic tradition in Croatia!
#Taiwan #Croatia #cinema #shortfilm #ziff #ZabgredInternationalFilmFestival #DoraLo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #ShoeStory #ATBeaune
#taiwan #croatia #cinema #shortfilm #ziff #zabgredinternationalfilmfestival #doralo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #shoestory #atbeaune
'Shoe Story' trailer
Mandarin version: #鞋故事 'Xié gùshì'
#comedyshort #film #cinema #comedy #minimalism #movie #indiefilm #postmodernfilm #mobilefilm #ShoeStory #taiwan #DoraLo #JamesCHLo #WenChiehChi #TzuXiangChen #ATBeaune #ATBeauneCreations
#鞋故事 #sneakerpreview #comedyshort #film #cinema #comedy #minimalism #movie #indiefilm #postmodernfilm #mobilefilm #shoestory #taiwan #doralo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #tzuxiangchen #atbeaune #atbeaunecreations
'Shoe Story' trailer
(Mandarin version)
#comedyshort #film #cinema #comedy #minimalism #movie #indiefilm #postmodernfilm #mobilefilm #ShoeStory #taiwan #DoraLo #JamesCHLo #WenChiehChi #TzuXiangChen #ATBeaune #ATBeauneCreations
#sneakerpreview #comedyshort #film #cinema #comedy #minimalism #movie #indiefilm #postmodernfilm #mobilefilm #shoestory #taiwan #doralo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #tzuxiangchen #atbeaune #atbeaunecreations
'Shoe Story' trailer
(English version)
#comedyshort #film #cinema #comedy #minimalism #movie #indiefilm #postmodernfilm #mobilefilm #ShoeStory #taiwan #DoraLo #JamesCHLo #WenChiehChi #TzuXiangChen #ATBeaune #ATBeauneCreations
#sneakerpreview #comedyshort #film #cinema #comedy #minimalism #movie #indiefilm #postmodernfilm #mobilefilm #shoestory #taiwan #doralo #jameschlo #wenchiehchi #tzuxiangchen #atbeaune #atbeaunecreations
Congratulations to lead actress Dora Lo and everyone on the #ShoeStory #film team. 'Shoe Story,' winner of seasonal awards for Comedy Short and Best Actress at the Tagore International Film Festival, now stands nominated in both categories at the Sun of the East Awards Gala in West Bengal, #India
#Taiwan actors #Dora Lo, #JamesCHLo and #WenChiehChi have together garnered awards for Best Ensemble Acting in other festivals. Here's to daring greatly!
#shoestory #film #india #taiwan #dora #jameschlo #wenchiehchi