15 January 2023
#JamesDolan scumbag owner of #MadisonSquareGarden uses #facialrecognition to weed out people
#jamesdolan #MadisonSquareGarden #facialrecognition #wtf #fascist #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #musicvenue
15 January 2023
#JamesDolan scumbag owner of #MadisonSquareGarden uses #facialrecognition to weed out people
#WTF 🤬 is this nonsense!!!
#jamesdolan #MadisonSquareGarden #facialrecognition #wtf #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #musicvenue
15 January 2023
#JamesDolan scumbag owner of #MadisonSquareGarden yses #facialrecognition to weed out people
#WTF 🤬 is this nonsense!!!
#jamesdolan #MadisonSquareGarden #facialrecognition #wtf #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #musicvenue
This limit is tersely explained in Remarks 5 and 6 of Touchette's review article:
but I want to hook it up better to the 'tropical rig' or 'min-plus algebra', which I explained here:
There however I was thinking about a 'low temperature limit', so Touchette's different outlook is confusing - in a promising way.
December 2, 2022:
In this conversation with James Dolan, I said a bit about things I want to think about.
First, how Laplace transforms reduce to Legendre transforms in a certain limit, which may be the limit where statistical mechanics reduces to classical thermodynamics. It's a kind of 'large number limit' or 'Boltzmann's constant goes to zero' limit. It's tersely explained in Remarks 5 and 6 here:
@evangreer #jamesdolan even bans his former players from the garden. I don't understand the support this man gets from #NewYorkCity. His team wallows yearly from incompetence and the locals still support the team
Support the Knicks, support Dolan. It's that simple.