Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Emily Ratajkowski 'Feels Bad' for Olivia Wilde #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #dancingwiththestars #emilyratajkowski #americanwriters #laconfidential #shannendoherty #humaninterest #nbcuniversal #curtishanson #petedavidson #matthewperry #oliviawilde #kimbasinger #keanureeves #jamesellroy #harrystyles #lengoodman #jeffshell #theoscar #writers #actors
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #dancingwiththestars #emilyratajkowski #americanwriters #laconfidential #shannendoherty #humaninterest #nbcuniversal #curtishanson #petedavidson #matthewperry #oliviawilde #kimbasinger #keanureeves #jamesellroy #harrystyles #lengoodman #jeffshell #theoscar #writers #actors
#JamesEllroy can disparage the #Movie #LAConfidential. He can't change the fact it's a good movie and was well-received. Carp away, curmudgeon:
#jamesellroy #movie #laconfidential
James Ellroy hates Raymond Chandler and dismisses Dostoevsky, but talks of his love for the LAPD
#JamesEllroy #dostoesky #raymondchandler #books #literature #crime #punishment #LosAngeles
#jamesellroy #dostoesky #raymondchandler #books #literature #crime #punishment #losangeles
McFarland & Co designed this handsome Edgar Awards program ad w/McF nominee David Geherin's Michael Connelly book & books of past McF nominees (including two I edited, the #IanRankin companion & the #JamesEllroy companion) #CrimeFiction #LitStudies #reading #books #GeorgesSimenon #bookstodon #genre #mysteries #LGBTQ
#ianrankin #jamesellroy #crimefiction #litstudies #Reading #books #georgessimenon #bookstodon #genre #mysteries #lgbtq
Literarischer #4März
„Some men get the world, some men get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona. You‘re in with the former, but my God I don‘t envy the blood on your conscience.“
#JamesEllroy #LAConfidential Geburt 1948
#4marz #jamesellroy #laconfidential
Really @latimes? #JamesEllroy hasn't written a readable book or even a readable sentence in years. He merely recycles the same racist, sexist, violent crapola to a dwindling group of fans. The Demon Dog act got old and tired years ago. A lousy writer and a dismal human being. Woof Daddy-o.
My latest piece on the CrimeReads is live, an interview with the author of a new authorised biography of one of America’s most influential & controversial authors, James Ellroy #jamesellroy #noir #crimefiction
#jamesellroy #noir #crimefiction
#38Special #SchwarzeBeute #BlackMaskMagazin #raymondchandler #EdMcbain #DashiellHammett #LorenDEstleman #JoyceHarrington #JamesEllroy #AndrewSachss #krimi #ullstein #kriminalmagazin
#Literatur #lesen #buecher
#38special #schwarzebeute #blackmaskmagazin #raymondchandler #edmcbain #dashiellhammett #lorendestleman #joyceharrington #jamesellroy #andrewsachss #krimi #Ullstein #kriminalmagazin #literatur #lesen #buecher
My only problem with #JamesEllroy is I can't get my wife to listen to American Tabloid, his roman a clef about a rogue FBI agent working for Lucky Luciano out of his Cuban casino lair to set up the murder of JFK while managing a cabal of disgruntled Cuban assassins to do the job.
#38special #blackmaskmagazin #schwarzebeute #kriminalmagazin #ullstein #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #johndmacdonald #jamesellroy #johnlutz #saraparetsky #billpronzini #edwarddhoch #peterlovesey #lesen #buecher #lesetipp #literatur #literarturblogkreis
weiter geht es mit dem 4. Band :)
#38special #blackmaskmagazin #schwarzebeute #kriminalmagazin #Ullstein #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #johndmacdonald #jamesellroy #johnlutz #saraparetsky #billpronzini #edwarddhoch #peterlovesey #lesen #buecher #lesetipp #literatur #literarturblogkreis
Quitte à se présenter…
Femme née au début des années 80. Aime les #chats. Carbure au #café. Ecoute trop de musique (#Metallica #Scorpions #Indochine #LeonardCohen etc.). Eprouve le plus profond respect pour l'œuvre de #JamesEllroy et #GRRMartin. Aime #HarryPotter mais pas JK Rowling. Amoureuse de la #Belgique. Vil corbac tatoué, vacciné et sans dents de sagesse. Parle quotidien, popculture et féminisme en carton. Voilà. #introduction
#chats #cafe #metallica #scorpions #indochine #leonardcohen #jamesellroy #grrmartin #harrypotter #belgique #introduction
$ave 40% on all titles in McFarland & Co's sale until 28 Nov w/coupon code HOLIDAY22. It's a good time to stock up on the McFarland Companions to #Mystery Fiction that I edit; check out the full companion lineup. #AgathaChristie #DorothyLSayers #NgaioMarsh #SaraParetsky #EdMcBain #JamesEllroy #books #booksadon #history #film #TV #noir #gothic #popularculture #sports #scifi #mysteries @histodons
#mystery #agathachristie #dorothylsayers #NgaioMarsh #saraparetsky #EdMcBain #jamesellroy #books #booksadon #history #film #tv #noir #gothic #popularculture #sports #scifi #mysteries
#JamesEllroy just hits the ground running in #WidespreadPanic with the kind of indulgent prose I’m a sucker for *chefs kiss*
Sticking to fiction
#JasperFforde #pgwodehouse #charlesdickens #georgeorwell #jamesellroy #OscarWilde #douglasadams