she then: became a communist; moved to the states; married a civil rights lawyer & got involved with the struggle for equality; wrote 'hons & rebels'; got into investigative journalism & didn't die until she'd recorded a cover of the beatles' 'maxwell's silver hammer'.
decca's daughter, dinky, decided she'd be more like her mum than her aunties & married james forman, who was a member of both the black panthers &...
#art #illustration #deccaMitford #jamesForman #beatles #muckraker
#Muckraker #beatles #jamesforman #deccamitford #Illustration #Art
#midwestagendaartews #midwestart #michigan #annarbor #lego #mosaic #aaronliepman #selmatomontgomery #votingrightsactof1965 #RalphAbernathy #JamesForman #RevDrMartinLutherKingJr. #RevJesseDouglas #JohnLewis #civilrights #votingrights #nonviolentdemonstration
#nonviolentdemonstration #votingrights #civilrights #JohnLewis #revjessedouglas #revdrmartinlutherkingjr #jamesforman #ralphabernathy #votingrightsactof1965 #selmatomontgomery #aaronliepman #mosaic #lego #annarbor #michigan #midwestart #midwestagendaartews