Life is too thought. Feel more.
“Oh for a life of sensations rather than of thoughts.” #JohnKeats (1795 – 1821) From a letter to Benjamin Bailey postmarked 22 November 1817. Keats had just turned 22 and died 3¼ years later in Rome where he is buried. Quoted in The Soul’s Code by #JamesHilton
Life is too short. Do more.
#johnkeats #jameshilton #mariapopova
Life is too thought. Feel more.
“Oh for a life of sensations rather than of thoughts.” #JohnKeats (1795 – 1821) From a letter to Benjamin Bailey postmarked 22 November 1817. Keats had just turned 22 and died 3¼ years later in Rome where he is buried. Quoted in The Soul’s Code by #JamesHilton
Life is too short. Do more.
#mariapopova #jameshilton #johnkeats