Catching up with some old #JamesHoffmann #coffee videos. Have just got to his The Weirdest & Scariest Custom Espresso Machine I Own. This is like a mad scientist’s #steampunk take on a coffee making machine.
#steampunk #coffee #jameshoffmann
James Hoffmann kennen wahrscheinlich nur ein paar Kaffeenthusiasten hier. Aber er hat gestern einfach mal ein unfassbar gutes und umfassendes Video zum Stand der Wissenschaft rund um Kaffeekonsum raus gebracht. Und obendrein macht es auch noch echt Spaß zu schauen 😂
Verfolge seinen Kanal schon eine Weile um etwas über meine eigenen Zubereitungsmethoden zu lernen...und weil ich ihm einfach stundenlang zuhören kann.
#kaffee #iscoffeegoodforyou #jameshoffmann #scicomm
Watching a #JamesHoffmann video about #coffee roasting, and I end up getting distracted mid way, looking for pictures of the wee roasting machine our coffee supplier uses in #Dundee. Here is one. And here’s a link to the informative video we just watched. #Scotland #CoffeeRoasting #StreetScene #UrbanEnvironment
#urbanenvironment #StreetScene #CoffeeRoasting #scotland #dundee #coffee #jameshoffmann
Only people that have a #JamesHoffmann tattoo should be allowed to leave a five-star review for a coffee shop.
Even with the grinder set to 28 it draws down in quite a bit less than 3 minutes using the latest #JamesHoffmann technique. Which seems quick. But not sure it will get better if I go finer. Still a great cup of #coffee though. I'm being picky. #V60
Really enjoy my #mokapot. Looking forward to me next #brew after a #coffee #tutorial from #JamesHoffmann.
#jameshoffmann #tutorial #coffee #brew #mokapot
You need to watch #JamesHoffmann testing #coffee toys:
And here's some comment on that from somebody who knows more about brewing coffee than I do. Probably more than just about anybody does.
#jameshoffmann #nespresso #coffee
#JamesHoffmann est le MKBHD du café. L’intro de cette vidéo est formidable.
#JamesHoffmann Answers #Coffee Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED - Invidious
Wow didn't think I would see James Hoffmann in full Breaking Bad mode lmao. #Coffee #BreakingBad #JamesHoffmann
#coffee #breakingbad #jameshoffmann
I already had an espresso habit before #jameshoffmann but now the #espresso #enthusiast has risen from those dark #coffee ground.
#jameshoffmann #espresso #enthusiast #coffee
Some Saturday morning reading #Coffee #SpecialtyCoffee #JamesHoffmann
#jameshoffmann #specialtycoffee #Coffee
Y el libro anterior de #JamesHoffmann, The World Atlas of Coffee, está a 3,99 €.
Si te gusta #JamesHoffmann, su último libro, How to make the best coffee at home, está a 0,99 € (desde los 16,30 €) en Amazon para Kindle.
Reading James Hoffmann's "How to Make the Best Coffee at Home". Such a good read. I love being a coffee geek.
#coffee #jameshoffmann
Welcher Kaffee und Kaffeehubereitung hat wieviel Koffein?
James Hoffmann hat es getestet und kurze Zusammenfassung:
Espresso hat weniger Koffein als Filterkaffee (als Zubereitungsmethode bei gleichen Bohnen)
Instant Kaffee hat deutlich weniger (!) Koffein als Filterkaffee
Helle R
#Espresso #Filterkaffee #Instantkaffee #JamesHoffmann #Kaffee #Koffein #WievielKoffeinistinKaffeesorten #YouTube #YouTuber
#espresso #filterkaffee #instantkaffee #jameshoffmann #kaffee #koffein #wievielkoffeinistinkaffeesorten #youtube #youtuber
Latest release from #JamesHoffmann, which summarizes (a part of) his YouTube channel’s content. Also, a great way of supporting his work. ☕️ #cafe #coffee
Latest release from #JamesHoffmann, which summarizes (a part of) his YouTube channel’s content. Also, a great way of supporting his work. ☕️ #cafe #coffee