"The show, starring Julianne Moore, Nicholas Galitzine, and Tony Curran, is described as 'a dangerously daring historical psychodrama about an outrageous mother and son who schemed, seduced, and killed to conquer the court of England and the bed of King James.'"
True-Life Gay Monarchy Series Coming to Streaming
https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/mary-and-george-nicholas-galitzine#rebelltitem5 via "Out"
Photo: Hera Pictures/Sky Studios
#MaryAndGeorge #KingJames #JamesI
#maryandgeorge #kingjames #jamesi
One blog has been our most-read blog for the past 3 years... James I and the duke of Buckingham: love, power and betrayal! Dr Paul Hunneyball explores the duke of Buckingham’s position at court and his relationship with James I. Have you read it yet? #LGBTHM http://ow.ly/Ccfl50MyIkZ
During a parliamentary debate on whether King James I truly intended to honour his guarantee of free speech, Alford called for a cessation of all business ‘until we shall be a free Parliament’. with guaranteed free speech. Find out about his career: https://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/1604-1629/member/alford-edward-15656-1631
@histodons @histodon #17thCentury #FreeSpeech #MPMonday #JamesI
#jamesi #mpmonday #freespeech #17thCentury