Exploring the Battle of Boyne Visitor Center
#BattleOfTheBoyne #Ireland #IrishHistory #Irish #WilliamOfOrange #JamesII #BoyneValley #history #EuropeanHistory #WilliamiteWar #BoyneRiver #OldbridgeHouse
#battleoftheboyne #ireland #irishhistory #irish #williamoforange #jamesii #BoyneValley #history #europeanhistory #williamitewar #boyneriver #oldbridgehouse
#BattleOfTheBoyne #Ireland #IrishHistory #Irish #WilliamOfOrange #JamesII #BoyneValley #history #EuropeanHistory #WilliamiteWar #BoyneRiver #OldbridgeHouse
#battleoftheboyne #ireland #irishhistory #irish #williamoforange #jamesii #BoyneValley #history #europeanhistory #williamitewar #boyneriver #oldbridgehouse
On this day in history. King James II murdered the 8th Earl of Douglas in what is now the King's Old Building at Stirling Castle on 22 February 1452, 571 years ago today, after a meeting to discuss loyalties and allegiances went wrong. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/stirling/stirlingcastle/kingsold.html
#Scotland #StirlingCastle #KingsOldBuilding #JamesII #Murder #OnThisDay #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #onthisday #murder #jamesii #kingsoldbuilding #stirlingcastle #scotland
Born #OTD 1617, William Sancroft. Sancroft opposed King James II's Declaration of Indulgence; he was imprisoned for seditious libel against James. Sancroft features in our Lords 1660-1715 volumes, available in print. Find out more about the Declaration: http://ow.ly/6N8o50MlzYa
#libel #jamesii #17thCentury #otd
In December 1688, just before James II fled the country, Edward Griffin was made a peer. But, in the face of James' decision to flee, was Griffin actually allowed to sit in the Lords Chamber? Find out below👇 @GeorgianLords http://ow.ly/qhil50MoHPM
@histodons @histodon #JamesII #Peers #HouseOfLords #17thCentury
#17thCentury #houseoflords #peers #jamesii
#OTD 1688 James II fled to France (his second attempt to do so) following the invasion by William of Orange. But this didn't signal a period of festive cheer for the soon to be William III... http://ow.ly/uT3x50GVNCp
#Histodons #Christmas #JamesII
#jamesii #christmas #histodons #otd