Portrait of the Rat as a Young Man
"He did not want to play. He wanted to meet in the real world the unsubstantial image which his soul so constantly beheld. He did not know where to seek it or how, but a premonition which led him on told him that this image would, without any overt act of his, encounter him. They would meet quietly as if they had known each other and had made their tryst, perhaps at one of the gates or in some more secret place."
#ai #aiart #midjourney #artist #jamesjoyce
Ben Watson writes about Finnegans Wake, the "incomprehensible" final book by James Joyce which he's been poring over for five decades ... Finnegans Wake is an experience, it's not something "difficult" to be decoded by better brains than yours. I don't read it with any more "comprehension" today than I did age 14, when I took it off the school library shelf and had a look.
#JamesJoyce #Finnegans Wake
Of course I'm pleased that my book has achieved public existence, but the metadata gods have somehow managed to attribute it to @chrissie
#book #monograph #jamesjoyce #metadata #publishing #googlebooks
#book #monograph #jamesjoyce #metadata #publishing #googlebooks
Of course I'm pleased that my book has achieved public existence, but the metadata gods have somehow managed to attribute it to @chrissie.
#book #monograph #jamesjoyce #metadata #publishing #googlebooks
#book #monograph #jamesjoyce #metadata #publishing #googlebooks
Depperte ÖPNV-Ausfälle nach der Arbeit, deshalb auf dem längeren und umständicheren Heimweg das Anna Livia Plurabelle-Kapitel aus #FinnegansWake von #JamesJoyce in der ungekürzten Hörbuchfassung von Naxos gehört. Eine wirklich bemerkenswerte Interpretation und sicherlich ein leichterer Zugang zu diesem in unsinniger Traumsprache geschriebenen Werk.
Naxos-Website: https://naxosaudiobooks.com/finnegans-wake-unabridged/
PDF zum Hörbuch mit guter Übersicht zum Inhalt von Finnegans Wake: https://naxosaudiobooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/0503_Finnegans_Wake-booklet.pdf
Pförtner zur Weltliteratur
Ulrich Blumenbach arbeitet an einer Übersetzung von »Finnegans Wake«, dem letzten Buch des irischen Jahrhundertschriftstellers James Joyce. Dabei gilt das Werk als unübersetzbar. Warum tut er das?
#UlrichBlumenbach #JamesJoyce #FinnegansWake https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/literatur/pfoertner-zur-weltliteratur-a-e2716633-6065-4ef5-b7cb-4dcd5f1c72be
#ulrichblumenbach #jamesjoyce #FinnegansWake
Today June 16 in 1904 yes Leopold Bloom and Molly Bloom yes and Stephen Dedalus odyssey around Dublin yes (Bloom, based on James Joyce's Ulysses)
#Bloomsday #Bloomsday2023 #Bloom #Ulysses #JamesJoyce #Literature #Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd
#bloomsday #bloomsday2023 #bloom #ulysses #jamesjoyce #literature #film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd
EBL: The Irish Rovers: Finnegan's Wake 🇮🇪https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2023/06/the-irish-rovers-finnegans-wake.html
#Bloomsday #JamesJoyce #Ulysses
#bloomsday #jamesjoyce #Ulysses
Molly Bloom's soliloquy hits like love exploding in my chest.
The best example of 'train of thought' I can name.
A beautiful demonstration of how memory works, Associationism in practice.
And will I hear Kate Bush in my head feel her rhythms smell that forest Hammersmith Odeon crying for the first time confessing to a seventeen year old still here still her
yes I said yes I will yes
#bloomsday #KateBush #Memory #philosophy #TrainOfThought #JamesJoyce #SensualWorld
#bloomsday #katebush #memory #philosophy #trainofthought #jamesjoyce #sensualworld
Ulysses Art, MOLI, Dublin, Bloomsday 2022.
#ulysses #jamesjoyce #art #MOLI #dublin #bloomsday
It's Bloomsday today! The original literary anniversary -- which every year brings reminders about the greatness of Ulysses as well as its notorious difficulty.
It's difficulty is 'notorious' more than anything else. The work presents its challenges; it takes some getting used to. But so does Milton's Paradise Lost.
It won't be (and needn't be) everyone's cup of tea. Trick is not to let yourself be overwhelmed by its strangeness. It has its simplicity too.
#bloomsday #jamesjoyce #ulysses
Wishing everyone a joyous #Bloomsday, a day to celebrate #JamesJoyce and his masterpiece #Ulysses
#bloomsday #jamesjoyce #ulysses
One of the many moments of quiet depth and feeling in Ulysses that catch you by surprise, and forbme often on rereading. In this case it was listening to an audio recording of the Nestor chapter recently, and fully appreciating when Dedalus sees himself in the vulnerable, grubby orphaned boy standing at his elbow.
So many other moments like this have stayed with me in the decades since I first read the novel.
#jamesjoyce #ulysses #bloomsday #bloomsday2023
Happy Bloomsday.
Like him was I, these sloping shoulders, this gracelessness. My childhood bends beside me. Too far for me to lay a hand there once or lightly. Mine is far and his secret as our eyes. Secrets, silent, stony sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants, willing to be dethroned.
#jamesjoyce #ulysses #bloomsday #bloomsday2023
“Hold to the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past.”
Happy #Bloomsday
#bloomsday #jamesjoyce #ulysses
This #Bloomsday - there is a new #DrWho #JamesJoyce #FinngeansWake mash-up. https://www.hotpress.com/film-tv/new-dr-who-audio-adventure-series-set-to-save-barney-kiernans-pub-22973557 via @hotpress #copyright #publicdomain #mashup
#bloomsday #drwho #jamesjoyce #finngeanswake #copyright #publicdomain #mashup
Here is some of my scholarship on the work of James Joyce and copyright law https://eprints.qut.edu.au/86026/ (I have been doing some work on Samuel Beckett and copyright law this year). #Bloomsday #Books #Copyright #Culture #Ireland #JamesJoyce #SamuelBeckett
#bloomsday #books #copyright #culture #ireland #jamesjoyce #SamuelBeckett
Happy Bloomsday, literary enthusiasts and copyright scholars all!
#Bloomsday #Books #Copyright #Culture #Ireland #JamesJoyce
#bloomsday #books #copyright #culture #ireland #jamesjoyce
One of the many moments of quiet depth and feeling in Ulysses that catch you by surprise, and often only on rereading. In this case it was listening to an audio recording of the Nestor chapter recently, and fully appreciating when Dedalus sees himself in the vulnerable, grubby orphaned boy standing at his elbow.
So many other moments like this have stayed with me in the decades since I first read the novel.
#jamesjoyce #ulysses #bloomsday #bloomsday2023
Happy Bloomsday.
Like him was I, these sloping shoulders, this gracelessness. My childhood bends beside me. Too far for me to lay a hand there once or lightly. Mine is far and his secret as our eyes. Secrets, silent, stony sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants, willing to be dethroned.
#jamesjoyce #ulysses #bloomsday #bloomsday2023