Tato Pece · @Pece
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An essay by from 2006, talking about the evil that is / / (AKA ) in relation to . It is also a good reminder that is just spin, used to please the consciousness of the masses.

Invasion of the Movement Snatchers - James LaVeck


3 great passages from the essay:

1. "Duchin acknowledged in his speech that idealists were hard to work with, and that because of their inherent altruism and the fact that they gain nothing personally from holding their views, the public tends to believe in them. He then offered the cattlemen a clever strategy. He said that if idealists can somehow be convinced that their opposition to a product or an industry inadvertently caused harm to someone, they could not live with the contradiction and would be forced to change their views, to adopt a more "realistic" position.

Duchin next told the cattlemen about how to work with movement "opportunists," people he described as engaging in activism for "visibility, power, followers, and perhaps, employment... The key to dealing with opportunists is to provide them with at least the perception of a partial victory."

The widespread adoption of "cage-free" eggs? A few seats at the table with the group developing standards for producing "Animal Compassionate" lamb? Uncrated "pink" veal? Today, these and similar developments are being widely characterized as victories by organizations with reputations for staunchly opposing animal exploitation."

2. "Consider the parallelism of these two passages, the first from the New York Times, and the second from the website of a new animal industry marketing campaign in England:

Although the C.I.A. has faced criticism over the use of harsh techniques, one senior intelligence official said detainees had not been mistreated. They were given dental and vision care as well as the Koran, prayer rugs and clocks to schedule prayers, the official said. They were also given reading material, DVD's and access to exercise equipment.

This is not veal from dimly lit crowded pens. These animals enjoy a very full life, with plenty of space and light, inside suitable buildings over winter and outside at pasture for the rest of the year; a varied diet; and the care of a foster cow when available."

3. "Let us not forget, there is a reason why human rights groups do not develop or endorse "humane" methods of torturing and executing political prisoners, and why children's rights advocates do not collaborate with the international pornography industry to develop standards and special labeling for films that make "compassionate" use of runaway teens. To do such things is to introduce moral ambiguity into situations where the boundaries between right and wrong must never be allowed to blur. To be the agent of such blurring is to become complicit oneself in the violence and abuse."

#jameslaveck #marketing #prfirm #publicrelations #propaganda #animalrights #animalwelfare #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals

Last updated 1 year ago