"Arriva un giorno in cui vedi qualcosa di cui non parli mai più, e che vive con te per il resto dei tuoi giorni"
#Robicheaux è un thriller, un mistery, un noir, uno sguardo denso e paludoso sulla nostra incontenibile deriva.
#robicheaux #letture #noir #thriller #jamesleeburke
Re-#Watching #Treme (post Katrina New Orleans)
Review part 5
Found myself then re-#Reading #TheTinRoofBlowdown 2007
author #JamesLeeBurke was born in 1936 so his style and characters are a wee bit dated but I found his story about Katrina riveting all over again.
Tin Roof supplements Treme as a source of insights into all the rorting grifting and political disregard behind the US Federal govt inaction then non-response to Katrina.
Treme has a lot to say about why no one wanted those displaced by Katrina to come back (for a start, those remaining would be more likely to vote republican); and shows how billions were wasted on housing schemes. The Tin Roof Blowdown has the sort of commentary that makes some detective novels so satisfying; Place is a major character, and “the character of that character” is everything.
#watching #treme #reading #thetinroofblowdown #jamesleeburke
@kopfding Lese gerade Buch, da is das Gretchen die Top-Killerin im Süden USA, passt also. #jamesleeburke
Just had a delicious homemade dinner of Cajun dirty rice made with turkey giblets. Several years ago I was introduced to dirty rice by James Lee Burke’s Dave Robicheaux series where the protagonist frequently made dirty rice. Intrigued, I found a recipe that looked good, made it, liked it, and now make it any time I have extra giblets.
#cajun #jamesleeburke #daverobicheaux
Miseria delle miniere e bellezza della natura https://www.carmillaonline.com/2018/08/29/miseria-delle-miniere-e-bellezza-della-natura/ #naturalismoeuropeo #Realismosocialista #minieredicarbone #WilliamFaulkner #FrançoisBusnel #LivioCrescenzi #JamesLeeBurke #JohnSteinbeck #Yoknapatawpha #lavorocoatto #WestVirginia #GrandeCrisi #Recensioni #precariato #MarkTwain #Kentucky #NewDeal #Bibbia #Trump
#naturalismoeuropeo #realismosocialista #minieredicarbone #williamfaulkner #françoisbusnel #liviocrescenzi #jamesleeburke #johnsteinbeck #yoknapatawpha #lavorocoatto #westvirginia #grandecrisi #recensioni #precariato #marktwain #kentucky #newdeal #bibbia #trump