Nachschub im Bücherregal: #TheExpanse #babylonsashes #persepolisrising und #tiamatswrath von #JamesSACorey obwohl ich gerade erst mit dem dritten Band begonnen habe. 😅
#theexpanse #babylonsashes #persepolisrising #tiamatswrath #jamessacorey #orbitbooks #booklover #buchliebe #sciencefiction #scifi
Ich bin mit dem zweiten Band von #TheExpanse von #JamesSACorey #CalibansWar 🚀 #orbitbooks durch. Hat mir ausgezeichnet gefallen und ich werde direkt weiterlesen:
#theexpanse #jamessacorey #calibanswar #orbitbooks
Se non chego entrar no Fritter esquecía que hoxe sae o oitavo de #TheExpanse
A por el
#jamessacorey #lacoleradetiamat #theexpanse
#TheExpanse by #JamesSACorey. Here’s another massively popular series about which plenty has been written. That said, fuck, really enjoyed reading this series. It’s not perfect but always enjoyable, and even better, it improved during its run.
I read book 9 in 2022. IMHO it stuck the landing after a solid run.
If I count series together, I only read ten different things, so I’ll just say a little about each over the next few days. In no particular order:
- #TheExpanse by #JamesSACorey
- #DoomsdayBook by #ConnieWillis
- #Dracula by #BramStoker
- #Vorkosigan by #LoisMcMasterBujold
- #Matter by #IainMBanks
- #Summertide by #CharlesSheffield
- #ElricOfMelnibone by #MichaelMoorcock
- #Animorphs by #KAApplegate
- #Recursion by #BlakeCrouch
- #FirstLaw by #JoeAbercrombie
#theexpanse #jamessacorey #doomsdaybook #conniewillis #dracula #bramstoker #vorkosigan #loismcmasterbujold #matter #iainmbanks #summertide #charlessheffield #elricofmelnibone #michaelmoorcock #animorphs #kaapplegate #recursion #blakecrouch #firstlaw #joeabercrombie
Continuing my year-end tops with my favorite #books I read in 2022. (I read 13 novels this year, so this will be a Top 5, instead of the usual #top10)
1. City of Saints and Madmen (#JeffVanderMeer, 2001)
2. Misery (#StephenKing, 1987)
3. The Force (#DonWinslow, 2017)
4. The Slanted Gutter (#SCraigZahler, 2021)
5. Caliban's War (#JamesSACorey, 2012)
#books #top10 #jeffvandermeer #stephenking #donwinslow #scraigzahler #jamessacorey #MastodonReads
#HitchhikersGuide #DouglasAdams
#Shannara #MagicKingdom #TerryBrooks
#Inheritance #ChristopherPaolini
#ButcherBird #RichardKadrey
#TheExpanse #JamesSACorey
#RiteOfPassage #AlexeiPanshin
#LockeAndKey #JoeHill
#Saga #BrianKVaughan
#HisDarkMaterials #PhilipPullman
#1984 #GeorgeOrwell
#AWrinkleInTime #MadeleineLEngle
#StrangerInAStrangeLand #RobertHeinlein
#Fahrenheit451 #RayBradbury
#WatershipDown #RichardAdams
#hitchhikersguide #douglasadams #shannara #magickingdom #TerryBrooks #inheritance #ChristopherPaolini #butcherbird #richardkadrey #theexpanse #jamessacorey #riteofpassage #alexeipanshin #LockeAndKey #joehill #saga #briankvaughan #hisdarkmaterials #philippullman #georgeorwell #awrinkleintime #madeleinelengle #strangerinastrangeland #robertheinlein #fahrenheit451 #raybradbury #watershipdown #richardadams
My friends! We have entered the final #poll of the #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera Series Challenge.
👾 👾 👾 👾
#TheExpanse by #JamesSACorey
#ThreeBodyProblem by #LiuCixin
Which one is the BEST? VOTE!!!
and BOOST this poll 🚀
#poll #sciencefiction #spaceopera #theexpanse #jamessacorey #theculture #ianmbanks #foundation #isaacasimov #threebodyproblem #liucixin
@datenteiler the best stories reach into your heart, for better or for worse. There's sadness and strangeness in this final book, but the story arc will not be complete until you've read the last sentence (literally).
I still have mixed feelings about Tiamat's Wrath but #theexpanse series has enriched my life. I admire the writer skill of #jamessacorey .
Here is my #GetToKnowMe list for #7books. These items are my favorites because they were entertaining, I connected with them emotionally, and/or they helped me to better know myself.
— House in the Cerulean Sea, #TJKlune
— The Expanse series, #JamesSACorey
— More Happy Than Not, #AdamSilvera
— Red, White & Royal Blue, #CaseyMcQuiston
— Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, #BenjaminAlireSaenz
— The Song of Achilles, #MadelineMiller
— We Are the Ants, #ShaunDavidHutchinson
#gettoknowme #tjklune #jamessacorey #adamsilvera #CaseyMcQuiston #BenjaminAlireSaenz #MadelineMiller #shaundavidhutchinson #7books
Which of these four choices is the best #SpaceOpera #book #series? #curious :blobcat: 🚀
If you think there's a better space opera series than one of these, add it to the comments. Add your comments!
Boost this #poll if you can. Thanks!
FYI, I made the poll for 7 days so there's time to share it and because folks keep joining this site every day.
#sciencefiction #scifi #sff #ChildrenOfTime #Wayfarers #TheExpanse #Dune #AdrianTchaikovsky #BeckyChambers #JamesSACorey #FrankHerbert
#spaceopera #book #series #curious #poll #sciencefiction #scifi #sff #childrenoftime #wayfarers #theexpanse #dune #AdrianTchaikovsky #beckychambers #jamessacorey #frankherbert
Okay a non-exhaustive #bookstodon authors:
#bookstodon #nealstephenson #joeabercrombie #jamessacorey #MercedesLackey #beckychambers #KatherineArden #scifi #fantasy
@Nod_Hero here are mine, in no particular order, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some too.
#JackCampbell aka #JohnGHemry
#MarthaWells (I recently discovered the Murderbot Diaries)
#JohnScalzi #JackCampbell #JohnGHemry #MarthaWells #isaacasimov #JimButcher #ArkadyMartine #nnediokorafor #jamessacorey #CLMoore #AllenSteele #douglasadams