Életre utaló jeleket talált egy exobolygó légkörében a James Webb űrtávcső Szén-dioxid és metán is van a K2-18b légkörében, a NASA pedig megerősítette, hogy dimetil-szulfid is akad a 120 fényévnyire található exobolygón. https://qubit.hu/2023/09/12/eletre-utalo-jeleket-talalt-egy-exobolygo-legkoreben-a-james-webb-urtavcso #szén-dioxid-emisszió #dimetil-szulfid #exobolygó #JamesWebb #TUDOMÁNY #Hubble #metán
#szen #dimetil #exobolygo #jameswebb #tudomany #hubble #metan
The Story of our #Universe
May be starting to unravel - Do
we need to rethink key features of the
#origin and development of the #universe 🧐
#jameswebb #jwst #universe #origin
Beleszédülsz a James Webb űrtávcső legújabb felvételébe Nem a Mézga család igyekszik felvenni a kapcsolatot MZ/X-szel, ez csak az M51 spirálgalaxis, vagyis az Örvény-köd. https://qubit.hu/2023/08/31/beleszedulsz-a-james-webb-urtavcso-legujabb-felvetelebe #jameswebbteleszkóp #jameswebbűrtávcső #örvény-galaxis #spirálgalaxis #csillagászat #örvény-köd #jameswebb #űrkutatás #TUDOMÁNY #galaxis
#jameswebbteleszkop #jameswebburtavcso #orveny #spiralgalaxis #csillagaszat #jameswebb #urkutatas #tudomany #galaxis
Milky Way Central Molecular Zone
Target Name: BRICK-IKP2016-G0.253+0.015
Title: Star Formation along the Galactic Dust Ridge: The Brick and Cloud
Proposal ID: 2221
A quick process to see what was within the data. A better process will come over the next few days.
#Webb #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
Embedded Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies: The Advent of Parsec Scale Studies beyond the Magellanic Clouds.
Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE
Proposal ID: 2130
#Webb #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
Embedded Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies: The Advent of Parsec Scale Studies beyond the Magellanic Clouds.
Instrument: NIRCAM/IMAGE
Proposal ID: 2130
#Webb #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
James Webb Space Telescope
The First Resolved View of Individual Star Formation Across a Spiral Arm
target name: M33
expstart: 2022-08-18
instrument: NIRCAM
#jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope #m33
JWST Data - SN 2022ACKO - Dust, Mass Loss and Explosions of Massive Stars. Data had a lot of noise! #jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
#jwst #jameswebb #jameswebbspacetelescope
M33 - The first resolved view of individual star formation across a spiral arm
#jameswebb #jwst #m33 #galaxies
Me too, universe. Me too.
(Gift article because sometimes we need nice things)
En Netflix tienen un documental que se llama Lo desconocido: La máquina del tiempo cósmica, y que es muy recomendable si os interesa la investigación espacial.
En él se habla de las distintas etapas en la construcción del telescopio James Webb, desde su diseño y montaje hasta su lanzamiento, y de lo que se pretende descubrir con las imágenes que ha tomado y tomará.
#jameswebb #astronomia #documentales #netflix
Webb sees in near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths — invisible light that we feel as heat. This allows the telescope to peer back in time at the early universe, look through dust clouds to see stars being born, and more: https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/james-webb-space-telescope/en/
Όταν η NASA ανακάλυψε ένα κοσμικό ερωτηματικό https://kirkinews.gr/articles/otan-i-nasa-anakalypse-ena-kosmiko-erotimatiko/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ΑΡΘΡΑ #JAMESWEBB #NASA #ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ #ΤΗΛΕΣΚΟΠΙΟ
#αρθρα #jameswebb #nasa #διαστημα #τηλεσκοπιο
Le #JamesWebb #Télescope, un an de découvertes et d’images fantastiques
Earendel is the most distant star ever detected, and it was discovered by astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope.
#JWST #EARENDEL #DistantStar #MostDistantStar #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #Space #SpaceScience #SpaceTechnology
#jwst #earendel #distantstar #mostdistantstar #jameswebb #spacetelescope #space #spacescience #spacetechnology
#Astronomers Created a Video That Shows 200 Million Years into the Past
The #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope — the observatory with an over 21-foot-wide mirror orbiting 1 million miles from #Earth — collects bounties of light, allowing it to capture detailed views of #galaxies billions of light-years away.
#astronomers #jameswebb #spacetelescope #earth #galaxies
Some developer forgot to comment out the "?" in the source code of the Vela constellation 1470 light years away. And meanwhile, the James Webb Space Telescope managed to take a picture of it. #space #JamesWebb #BorningStar
#space #jameswebb #borningstar
#NASA's #JamesWebb #telescope has spotted a giant 'question mark' object in deep #space
#nasa #jameswebb #telescope #space
El James Webb ha tomado nuevas imágenes de la Nebulosa del Anillo, también conocida como Messier 57 🔭👀