Ha! @Wulf_Helm
RT @Starwarsfan1974
Def left👍
@DeepPolka they may further suffer a severe neurological condition where the brain cannot determine if it is #JamFirst or #CreamFirst to be applied to the scone.
@milesorchard it's jam first, always and everywhere. Anything else is illegal 😳 #JamFirst
@MooseAllain You really should use the Content Warning feature when posting politically charged toots like that.
Hi. Waves.
I’m Neil. A Brit, lived in Germany, married and with a German kid, then moved back to UK. Now a bit cross about the old Brexit thingy. #FBPE. Anti Trump, anti Tories. Pro rock music🎶🤟, scones with #jamfirst and fan of Terry Pratchett (GNU). Floof tax paid in pic. Greetings!