Purtroppo #Telegram è facilmente censurabile avendo un bel #singlepointoffailure. Mi sembra anche #Signal. Ci sarebbero #session, #briar e #simplex ma sono ancora più di nicchia. L'unica "a prova di censura" e proponibile ai meno tecnologici mi sembra sia #Jami che se non erro è caldeggiata dalle amministrazioni francesi da sempre bendisposte verso il #softwarelibre ( #SoftwareLibero )
@naixke @L_Alberto @informapirata
#telegram #singlepointoffailure #signal #session #briar #simplex #jami #softwarelibre #softwarelibero
@thegibson "...advent of Veilid..." why is veiled so much different to #tox, #jami or a multitude of other decentralised chat systems that also make this proposed law useless?
I'm looking forward to veilid, but how different is it to the others?
Does it have the possibility of offline/caching of messages? That's were most of the other decentralized/P2P chat systems fall down IMO.
In un epoca in cui l'effetto nostalgia è re, #Jami dovrebbe focalizzare il proprio marketing sulla possibilità di rivivere l'esperienza delle tradizionali lettere postali.
Invii il messaggio senza avere alcuna certezza che il destinatario lo riceva, in quanto tempo verrà consegnato e del fatto che l'interlocutore abbia risposto o meno.
Il brivido di incertezza che dà brio alla vita. 😊
Hommasin pitkästä aikaa Jämi Fly-inistä rc-lennokin! Mukaan tarttui 2.2 metrinen Arcus E. Sisään menevä teline, lentojarrut ja rungosta nouseva moottori. Ekaa kertaa sain täydet 6 kanavaa vastarista käyttöön. Ensilento oli Jämin rinteestä turhan kovassa tuulessa. Jäi ehjäksi vaikka onkin vähän haastava lennätettävä.
Olin yksin liikkeellä joten ei videota.
Oltre a #jitsi quali altre alternative libere a #zoom abbiano proponibili ai non tecnici? #jami?
Service-Toot: Die Messenger-Matrix wurde aktualisiert. Die Empfehlung für Threema wurde angepasst, nachdem nun ein formaler Sicherheitsaudit für das Krypto-Protokoll vorliegt.
#messenger #briar #conversations #deltachat #discord #element #imessage #jami #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #threema #atox #whatsapp #wire #xmpp #matrix
#messenger #briar #conversations #deltachat #discord #element #imessage #jami #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #threema #aTox #whatsapp #wire #xmpp #matrix
I'm now available on #Jami (sampavot) and #DeltaChat (sam@pavot.ca). Not currently talking to anybody on them, but the technology behind them is interesting. If anybody wants to send a couple of test messages through, feel free. :blobcatthumbsup:
"Last year we introduced swarms for one-to-one conversations. Since then, it allows users to synchronize a conversation across all their devices. However, this is only a small part Swarms allow us to do. The main goal of this technology is to allow us to have conversations with multiple participants.
For some months now, we are slowly making conversations with small groups (8 people) available on all platforms..."
update, it's a bug on #i3 I try to run #jami in #ratpoison and it works 👌 I'll maybe investigate later..
@ianonymous3000 @signalapp great, they don't even mention #briar #tox or #jami :)
#jami is offputting to me because it looks like a native MS Windows 10 app on my GNOME desktop, and because they promote snap, and we know why that's bad.
We have a "problem": we have far too many IM programs: #Jami, #Session, #Signal, #SimpleX, #matrix clients, #xmpp clients, #Briar, and I'm sure I forgot someone else. Of course I'm grateful to all those smart people developing them but I don't know what to suggest to non technically savvy people, who are easily confounded. 😢😢😱
#jami #session #signal #simplex #matrix #xmpp #briar
My new #Emacs packages, jami-bot and org-jami-bot are both on Melpa now! If you always wanted to capture notes, references and pictures into #OrgMode from an instant messenger (#Jami specifically) then give them a shot :)
The attached animation shows a multi-part capture process via chat messages. More info here: https://hoowl.se/org-jami-bot.html