We've got some thing special this week.Ive picked up a Sliverline Jamma Arcade Cab
Its been nice learning about Jamma cabs more so as ive never worked on one or ever had any dealings with one.
#arcademachine #arcade #retrogaming #arcadecabinet #jamma
#jamma #arcademachine #arcade #retrogaming #arcadecabinet
#Recalbox RGB #JAMMA Brings Retro #Arcade Hardware to the #RaspberryPi
#recalbox #jamma #arcade #raspberrypi #retrogames
Masochistic fun...
I expect there are many people on this forum who will enjoy the not so exquisite fun of this frustrating, and convoluted game.
The courses are challenging, and the controls are even more so.
There is some satisfaction in mastering the controls, it took me two days to get competent at this peculiar golf game. But, it is unintuitive therefore the fun for me was short lived.
#arcade #game #jamma #mame #emulator
Hi folks, can anyone sign post me towards where the #Jamma #arcade restoration people hang out on here? I'm working on restoring a suicided original of Pang. Battery is still there, hasn't leaked, thankfully! But is measuring 0.28V so I can probably confidently say it's dead and we've lost the content of the ram chip.
Here's an #arcade cabinet update, where I take advantage of someone else's bad idea.
Basically since no one makes a #JVS I/O decoder, I've had to whip up a #JAMMA to #neogeo controller adaptor. It's a dumb solution to a dumb problem.
Also I put a #Hori #hayabusa button in there because it's exactly the right thing for right now.
REPOST: Forgot the link hehe oops
#arcade #jvs #jamma #neogeo #hori #hayabusa
Here's an #arcade cabinet update, where I take advantage of someone else's bad idea.
Basically since no one makes a #JVS I/O decoder, I've had to whip up a #JAMMA to #neogeo controller adaptor. It's a dumb solution to a dumb problem.
Also I put a #Hori #hayabusa button in there because it's exactly the right thing for right now.
#arcade #jvs #jamma #neogeo #hori #hayabusa
Complete Mister Kits and all the addons you need are available now from stock! We ship worldwide, with fast courier shipping for selected European countries. #MiSTerFGPA #Famicom #NES #Nintendo #SNES #SEGA #Genesis #Megadrive #arcade #JAMMA #NeoGeo #SNK
#MiSTerFGPA #famicom #nes #nintendo #snes #sega #genesis #megadrive #arcade #jamma #neogeo #snk
Sona Jobarteh & Band, Musica dall'Africa Occidentale
#mastoradio #fediradio #np #kora
#noWar #noWarZ #Peace #Jamma
#mastoradio #fediradio #np #kora #nowar #noWarZ #peace #jamma
My twins! #MiSTerFPGA #SEGA #JAMMA #arcade #fightstick
#misterfpga #sega #jamma #arcade #fightstick
I was today years old when I learned that Border Down was originally an #Arcade release. #Dreamcast #jamma
Trento. Scattate in tre esercizi le sanzioni per slot e Vlt troppo vicine a luoghi sensibili | JAMMA #trento #scattate #esercizi #sanzioni #slot #vicine #luoghi #sensibili #jamma #26agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvYXBwYXJlY2NoaS1pbnRyYXR0ZW5pbWVudG8vdHJlbnRvLXNjYXR0YXRlLWluLXRyZS1lc2VyY2l6aS1sZS1zYW56aW9uaS1wZXItc2xvdC1lLXZsdC10cm9wcG8tdmljaW5lLWEtbHVvZ2hpLXNlbnNpYmlsaS0yODkxMDI=
#26agosto #jamma #sensibili #luoghi #vicine #slot #sanzioni #esercizi #scattate #trento
Serie A: Lazio-Inter a tinte nerazzurre. Juventus-Roma, per StanleyBet.it allo Stadium prevale l’«1» | JAMMA #serie #lazio-inter #tinte #nerazzurre #juventus-roma #stanleybetit #stadium #prevale #l«1» #jamma #25agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvc2NvbW1lc3NlL3F1b3RlL3NlcmllLWEtbGF6aW8taW50ZXItYS10aW50ZS1uZXJhenp1cnJlLWp1dmVudHVzLXJvbWEtcGVyLXN0YW5sZXliZXQtaXQtYWxsby1zdGFkaXVtLXByZXZhbGUtbDEtMjg5MDk0
#25agosto #jamma #l #prevale #stadium #stanleybetit #juventus #nerazzurre #tinte #lazio #serie
eFootball™ 2023 KONAMI pronto al calcio d’inizio | JAMMA #efootball™ #konami #pronto #calcio #dinizio #jamma #25agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvdmlkZW9nYW1lcy9lZm9vdGJhbGwtMjAyMy1rb25hbWktcHJvbnRvLWFsLWNhbGNpby1kaW5pemlvLTI4OTA5Mg==
#25agosto #jamma #dinizio #calcio #pronto #konami #efootball #x2122
Alba (CN), torna a crescere il gioco d’azzardo. Boffa (vicesindaco): “Con nuova legge regionale abbiamo assistito a inversione di tendenza” | JAMMA #alba #torna #crescere #gioco #dazzardo #boffa #vicesindaco #nuova #legge #regionale #abbiamo #assistito #inversione #tendenza #jamma #23agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvcG9saXRpY2EvYWxiYS1jbi1ib2ZmYS12aWNlc2luZGFjby1naW9jby1kYXp6YXJkby1jb24tbnVvdmEtbGVnZ2UtcmVnaW9uYWxlLWFiYmlhbW8tYXNzaXN0aXRvLWEtaW52ZXJzaW9uZS1kaS10ZW5kZW56YS0yODkwMzg=
#23Agosto #jamma #Tendenza #inversione #assistito #abbiamo #regionale #legge #nuova #vicesindaco #boffa #dazzardo #gioco #crescere #torna #alba
Bruxelles non interferisce con le leggi nazionali sul gioco d’azzardo. Breton (Comm. Mercato Interno): “Aperta inchiesta su concessione lotteria e scommesse in Francia” | JAMMA #bruxelles #interferisce #leggi #nazionali #gioco #dazzardo #breton #comm #mercato #interno #aperta #inchiesta #concessione #lotteria #scommesse #francia #jamma #23agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvYXR0dWFsaXRhL2JydXhlbGxlcy1ub24taW50ZXJmZXJpc2NlLWNvbi1sZS1sZWdnaS1uYXppb25hbGktc3VsLWdpb2NvLWRhenphcmRvLWJyZXRvbi1jb21tLW1lcmNhdG8taW50ZXJuby1hcGVydGEtaW5jaGllc3RhLXN1LWNvbmNlc3Npb25lLWxvdHRlcmlhLWUtc2NvbW1lc3NlLWluLWZyYW5jaWEtMjg5MDIz
#23Agosto #jamma #francia #Scommesse #lotteria #concessione #inchiesta #aperta #interno #mercato #comm #breton #dazzardo #gioco #nazionali #leggi #interferisce #bruxelles
Supercoppa Europea. Real Madrid in discesa con l’Eintracht Francoforte: il quinto trofeo dei Blancos a 1,25 su Sisal.it | JAMMA #supercoppa #europea #real #madrid #discesa #leintracht #francoforte #trofeo #blancos #sisalit #jamma #22agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvc2NvbW1lc3NlL3F1b3RlL3N1cGVyY29wcGEtZXVyb3BlYS1yZWFsLW1hZHJpZC1pbi1kaXNjZXNhLWNvbi1sZWludHJhY2h0LWZyYW5jb2ZvcnRlLWlsLXF1aW50by10cm9mZW8tZGVpLWJsYW5jb3MtYS0xMjUtc3Utc2lzYWwtaXQtMjg4ODE5
#22agosto #jamma #sisalit #blancos #trofeo #francoforte #leintracht #discesa #madrid #real #europea #supercoppa
Gorilla Mayhem‎‎™â€Žâ€Ž nell’offerta di LeoVegas Group | JAMMA #gorilla #mayhem‎‎™â€Žâ€Ž #nellofferta #leovegas #group #jamma #22agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvb25saW5lL2dvcmlsbGEtbWF5aGVtLW5lbGxvZmZlcnRhLWRpLWxlb3ZlZ2FzLWdyb3VwLTI4OTAxMQ==
#22agosto #jamma #group #leovegas #nellofferta #mayhem #gorilla #x2122
PlanetPay365 è Official Value-Added Services Partner del Torino FC | JAMMA #planetpay365 #official #value-added #services #partner #torino #jamma #22agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvYXR0dWFsaXRhL3BsYW5ldHBheTM2NS1lLW9mZmljaWFsLXZhbHVlLWFkZGVkLXNlcnZpY2VzLXBhcnRuZXItZGVsLXRvcmluby1mYy0yODg5NTg=
#22agosto #jamma #torino #partner #services #value #official #planetpay365
Federico Freni candidato per la Lega alla Camera nel Lazio | JAMMA #federico #freni #candidato #lega #camera #lazio #jamma #22agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvcG9saXRpY2EvZmVkZXJpY28tZnJlbmktY2FuZGlkYXRvLXBlci1sYS1sZWdhLWFsbGEtY2FtZXJhLW5lbC1sYXppby0yODg5OTY=
#22agosto #jamma #lazio #camera #lega #candidato #freni #federico