It's #BandcampFriday and here it is, my first ever solo rock album! I think these songs kick butt and you should go check 'em out!! #songfight #nurein #jamuary #funaday #90srock #altrock
#altrock #90srock #FunADay #jamuary #nurein #songfight #BandcampFriday
It's BandCamp Friday, the day Bandcamp doesn't take any share on the sales (Yet Paypal does, but anyway)
So, it's a good day to consider buying some music you like on BandCamp.
For example, I released last month a nice short piano solo album :
You can read a kind review from Richard Williams here :
#BandcampFriday #piano #jamuary #jamuary2023 #musodon
Les partitions de mes morceaux de Jamuary 2023 sont disponibles sur mon site. C'est gratuit. C'est une bonne expérience de faire ses propres partitions, je recommande :)
Scores of my Jamuary 2023 album are available on my website. It's for free. It's a nice experience to write one's own scores, I recommend :)
#jamuary #jamuary2023 #piano #scores #musodon
If you're looking for nearly 4 hours of live instrumental mostly ambient electronic music, I've put every jam I made last month for #jamuary 2023 up on a SoundCloud playlist here
J'ai fait environ la moité des partitions de mes morceaux de Jamuary (ceux qui sont sur l'album). Je pense que je les mettrai sur mon site en prix libre.
Je les fais surtout pour moi en premier lieu, pour ne pas oublier. Il y a des trucs que j'ai joué il y a des années dont je ne me souviens plus et c'est pénible de n'avoir aucune trace.
En attendant, voilĂ ce qui aurait pu ĂȘtre un premier single : la petite valse triste.
#jamuary2023 #jamuary #piano #musodon
It is day eight already of my late #jamuary, here is my today #febrajam, back to #orca with #sunvox.
Actually I wanted to do it in #ardour today, but I was unprepared and some things in it made me SO mad, I thought I will not be able do my today's entry.
#ardour #sunvox #orca #febrajam #jamuary
I'm humbled to read this morning an appreciative article by Richard Williams about my Jamuary piano album. Now that's motivating. Thank you so much.
"Bourquenezâs pieces head in all sorts of directions, in a sense providing an exploded diagram of the elements that make up his own music."
#jamuary2023 #jamuary #richardwilliams #piano #musodon
#Jamuary2023 - album release !
EN : today I'm releasing on BandCamp this little collection of these one-day compositions. 16 tracks, 30 minutes and some, and 3 euro, for the most motivated people who want and can support me.
FR : Je sors aujourdâhui sur BandCamp ce petit recueil de ces compos dâun jour. 16 morceaux, 30 minutes et quelques, et 3 euro, pour les plus motivé·es qui veulent et peuvent me soutenir.
Ciao !
#jamuary2023 #jamuary #piano #bandcamp #musodon
Dang I forgot to to keep posting my #jamuary on here... I did it, all 31!
#Jamuary2023 - le Teasing!
I will release my Jamuary bandcamp album this next Tuesday!
I'm happy with the selection and how I managed to somehow mix these digital piano tracks. Not perfect, but releasable.
#jamuary2023 #jamuary #piano #musodon
Here is second one for my #febrajam
I don't know what is happening, I seem to be running into some bugs, ether in #orca (orca-c) or in #sunvox. When a lot of instruments are playing, some instrument stop recieving midi, or just does not react to it. Need to investigate.
#jamuary #music #sunvox #orca #febrajam
#Jamuary2023 is over!
...jamuary 2023 is over đ
I will slowly accept the fact I donât have to write, arrange, practice, record and publish a tune every day. That I can actually work on a song more than one day. That I can take time to practice some technicalities.
And I will make a selection for bandcamp.
thanks to all the Jamuarists and listeners! That was epic and instructive on many levels.
cheers đ€
the full playlist is here :
#jamuary2023 #jamuary #piano #musodon
instrumental, no vocals, no lyrics, 3:54
Ingredients: Experimental Songwriter drummer, Scientific Method sound, Non-linear preset; LinnDrum; Unity Synth Lead; Route 22 Revelation Synth; Steinway Grand Piano; Eighth Gnarler arpeggiator and Upright Studio Bass; all at 128 bpm in 12/8 time.
Listen to "In Every Direction" (#Jamuary 2023 No. 31)
#jamuary #mastomusic #musodon #songwriting
@wokeassmessiah is now streaming Music on Twitch:
#JAMUARY 31: Laying Jamuary 2023 to rest â°ïž
#SynthStream #twitch #GSG #music #musodon #synth #synthesis @synths
#jamuary #synthstream #twitch #gsg #music #musodon #synth #synthesis