Man literally asked why he wasn’t arrested for #Jan6thCoup part. Now — maybe reacting to #MalALardo resident’s social media post w/ #Obama address, he went there armed — maniac living in van is under arrest.
Why hasn’t #FBI locked up both mental cases prior to this? Would-be-attacker & man who lost election?
#jan6thcoup #malalardo #obama #fbi #instigator #tre45on #jan6th2021 #specialcounselsmith
Hope FBI is monitoring the extreme right forums better than they did leading up #TRE45ON’s #jan6th2021 self-coup attempt.
In the meantime, #MiniMousseoliniDeSatan is posturing like a drag queen about blocking extradition…except FL gov’s actions are not harmless fun like drag queens’ acts are.
#tre45on #jan6th2021 #minimousseolinidesatan
This article touches on several key reproducible techniques that the #CI #GangStalkers on #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp who have also migrated over to #Telegram & #Signal now use methodology wise to #TargetedIndividuals most notably by putting #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware that is off the shelf from the #UK, aka #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky which is used to infect and cause #Trillions of dollars of #FinancialCrime hiding behind their #ProxyServers to #HideTheirLocation .
This is a common tactic for spreading #disinformation and #CharacterAssasination via #FakeProfiles posing as the target, the #TargetedIndividual perpitrated by #CI's #WhiteListedCriminals & #Pedophiles in #CounterIntelligence.
#ci #gangstalkers #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #telegram #signal #TargetedIndividuals #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #uk #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #trillions #financialcrime #proxyservers #hidetheirlocation #disinformation #characterassasination #fakeprofiles #targetedindividual #whitelistedcriminals #pedophiles #counterintelligence #insurrectionday #jan6th2021 #CapitolRiots
This article touches on several key reproducible techniques that the #CI #GangStalkers on #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp who have also migrated over to #Telegram & #Signal now use methodology wise to #TargetedIndividuals most notably by putting #SSM™ #StateSponsoredMalware that is off the shelf from the #UK, aka #GammaGroup's #FinFisher #FinSpy #Finsky which is used to infect and cause #Trillions of dollars of #FinancialCrime hiding behind their #PeoxyServers to #HideTheirLocation .
This is a common tactic for spreading #disinformation and #CharacterAssasination via #FakeProfiles posing as the target, the #TargetedIndividual perpitrated by #CI's #WhiteListedCriminals & #Pedophiles in #CounterIntelligence.
#ci #gangstalkers #meta #facebook #instagram #whatsapp #telegram #signal #TargetedIndividuals #ssm #statesponsoredmalware #uk #gammagroup #finfisher #finspy #Finsky #trillions #financialcrime #peoxyservers #hidetheirlocation #disinformation #characterassasination #fakeprofiles #targetedindividual #whitelistedcriminals #pedophiles #counterintelligence #insurrectionday #jan6th2021 #CapitolRiots
Heute vor zwei Jahren drang anlässlich einer gemeinsamen Sitzung beider US-Kongresskammern zur Bestätigung der Ergebnisse der Präsidentschaftswahlen ein Mob in das Kongressgebäude ein. Ideologische Grundlage der Geschehnisse ist der bis heute virulente Barabbas-Kult:
On this day.. One of significant notoriety! Winter trees near home on 6th of Jan 2021
#jan6th2021 #silhouette #trees #winter #kirkgunzeon
Happy coup d’état day!
#HappyCoupdEtatDay #CoupDay #CoupdEtatDay #Jan6th #Jan6thInsurrection #Jan6thCoup #162021 #Jan6th2021
#happycoupdetatday #coupday #coupdetatday #jan6th #Jan6thInsurrection #Jan6thCoup #jan6th2021
Does that mean Ron and Rand Paul are next? Rhodes role model and like brother, right there. All of them traitors. #LockThemUp #Jan6th2021
Coups are not fun. Or funny. They are usually scary even when they're stupid.