A Single Factor Is Common to All Communal Riots During Religious Processions in India
No cause of interfaith riots has been as recurrent and widespread as the religious procession. The key factor in causing and preventing such riots has always been the route.
#riots #pogroms #CommunalViolence #ReligiousProcessions #mosques #hindutva #BJP #RSS #VHP #JanaSangh #RamNavami #history #law #courts #justice #india
#riots #pogroms #communalviolence #religiousprocessions #mosques #hindutva #BJP #RSS #vhp #janasangh #ramnavami #history #law #courts #justice #india
How Secular Parties Played Their Part in Rise of Communalism
(an excerpt from Aditya Mukherjee’s book Political Economy of Colonial and Post-Colonial India)
Although communal forces were dealt with sternly in the first few years after Independence, limiting them to the fringe, they have, over the years, received tacit support from the political class, helping them grow their base over the last few decades.
#BookExcerpt #secularism #INC #JawaharlalNehru #SardarPatel #AdityaMukherjee #communalism #HinduNationalism #hindutva #hate #majoritarianism #RSS #JanaSangh #minorities #history #india
#BookExcerpt #secularism #Inc #jawaharlalnehru #sardarpatel #adityamukherjee #Communalism #HinduNationalism #hindutva #hate #majoritarianism #RSS #janasangh #minorities #history #india