Mmmm…soufflé #pancakes with #tayberry compote.
(Bonus t-shirt content for the #JaneJacobs fans out there.)
#pancakes #tayberry #janejacobs
Ready to get my #JaneJacobs on. Cue cards ready to go for my #JanesWalkOtt on the Sociology of Third Places this afternoon.
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they care created by everybody.” #JaneJacobs #HealthyStreetLife #PhDLife
#phdlife #healthystreetlife #janejacobs
I feel like a lot of the #urban bike #transportation #sustainable evangelists are really just recycling old #JaneJacobs #planning ideas the way SV dude bros “reinvent” buses or trains.
None of these ideas are new.
#urban #transportation #sustainable #janejacobs #planning
Reading #JaneJacobs for the first time and I'm wondering if anyone I've heard citing her ideas has actually read her. Her writing is strongly against much of what passes for planning orthodoxy still today: garden cities & neighbourhoods so far. Obviously I like the bits about streets that fit with my research on #HealthyStreetLife! Interested to read on! #urbanism #HealthyStreets #phdlife
#phdlife #healthystreets #urbanism #healthystreetlife #janejacobs
RT @mgomlla
#JaneJacobs una de les principals influencers en el procés intelectual de @CarlosMorenoFr per la #Ciudad15minutos : interrelació i humanització de les ciutats
#lovetowalk #JanesWalkPalma @janeswalk
#janejacobs #ciudad15minutos #lovetowalk #JanesWalkPalma
Notes de lectures du livre Life and Death of Great American Cities de Jane Jacobs, du blogue Apropos.
La publication est accompagnée de photos qui illustrent bien le texte.
Publié en 1961, encore aujourd'hui, une référence en urbanisme. Le livre phare de Jane Jacobs.
(@oniquet, si ça vous intéresse...)
#Urbanisme #JaneJacobs
“The myth that playgrounds and grass and hired guards or supervisors are innately wholesome for children and that city streets, filled with ordinary people, are innately evil for children, boils down to a deep contempt for ordinary people.” My notes of important citations of #janejacobs basically involves copying out the whole book! #PhDlife
American Urbanist / How William H. Whyte's Unconventional Wisdom Reshaped Public Life by Richard K. Rein is a new biography of Whyte, author of Organization Man from the 1950s and later The Social Life of the Small #UrbanSpace. Of interest to me, his professional relationship with and influence on #JaneJacobs.
@naught101 💯 it’s truly a banquet. I remember being in college reading #JaneJacobs’ book on how trade and cities predated agriculture and asking my anthropologist major acquaintance who ridiculed the idea, and being shocked at… I don’t know what I was shocked by, at least a little bit by the blasphemy of ridiculing the goddess Jane Jacobs, but I think more that people subscribed to this very pat schema of development that hadn’t changed since Marx popularized it in his pseudoscientific works, the bands → tribes → chiefdoms → states thing.
Graeber and Wengrow just, brick by brick, they drop bricks on the heads of these ninnies 🧱 and I am so there. The reality that we’ve known about but hidden in specialist journals is so much more vivacious and inspiring, I’m every day grateful to their work of synthesis. Even without Graeber I am confident a generation of laypeople and scholars will refuse to accept the bland generalizations of the past, having tasted the spice of integrating subfields and fields.
The only downside is like, I’m watching The Great Courses lectures by Edwin Barnhart on Mesoamerica and South America peoples (separate courses ❤️) for example from about ten years ago, I fume at his surprise at Chico Norte’s thousands of years of non-violence, at his willingness to just acknowledge its strangeness and then … just … move on with the lecture 😂 or visiting the Field Museum’s section on the ancient Americas and looking for any indication that the curators appreciate how unique Teotihuacan was compared to their neighbors and to other city states with the standard kings package (there was just one plaque that tried to acknowledge this, inviting the visitor to compare the leader-exalting art of the Maya and the Moche versus the anonymizing art of Tenotihuacan 🤯). The story is far from over! I want the rest of my life to be a continuation of the intellectual banquet Graeber and Wengrow have given us a taste of! Viva #Kondiaronk!
(Ah I realize I’m almost done with the book (ebook, so I don’t have a tactile sense of completion; I didn’t get a sense of how long it was till I saw a photo recently of it’s physical form 😆), thanks for the prompt, finishing it now 😁)
"Although the numbers of arrogant old gatekeepers have dwindled with time the gates themselves are another matter. Anti-city planning remains amazingly sturdy in [North] American cities." — #JaneJacobs, from her Foreword to the 50th anniversary edition of D+L
When I found out that 94% of Parisians lived within a five-minute walk of a place that baked bread, I had to check how close my home (and home office) were to one. I was pleased by the answer.
#Cities #Livable #JaneJacobs #Walkable #Tampa #TampaBay #SeminoleHeights #Bread #Boulangerie #French
#tampa #janejacobs #bread #tampabay #SeminoleHeights #boulangerie #cities #livable #walkable #french
When I found out that 94% of Parisians lived within a five-minute walk of a place that baked bread, I had to check how close my home (and home office) were to one. I was pleased by the answer.
#Cities #Livable #JaneJacobs #Walkable #Tampa #TampaBay #SeminoleHeights #Bread #Boulangerie #French
#tampa #janejacobs #bread #tampabay #SeminoleHeights #boulangerie #cities #livable #walkable #french
The pseudoscience of city planning and its companion, the art of city design, have not yet broken with the specious comfort of wishes, familiar superstitions, oversimplifications, and symbols, and have not yet embarked upon the adventure of probing the real world…
— The Death and Life of Great American Cities. #JaneJacobs. Ch1 Introduction
"Designing a
dream city is easy;
rebuilding a living one
takes imagination."
Downtown Is For People
"Lively, diverse, intense cities contain the seeds of their own regeneration, with energy enough to carry over for problems and needs outside themselves.” #JaneJacobs
The Death and Life of Great American Cities.
Ch 3 The Uses of Sidewalks : Contact
(emphasis mine)